MAY 26, 2013
Redpolls, Alaska
Photograph by Tim Grams, Your Shot
Common redpolls visit Anchorage every few years in large numbers. So many that they will crowd out the usual winter residents that visit our feeders—black-capped and boreal chickadees, nuthatches, and juncos. The large flocks inspired me to try a different perspective. I used a plate of regular glass for the bottom and cut clear acrylic for sides and support. I fastened the visible portion of the feeder to a simple wooden tripod that I built, then supported my camera on a photo tripod beneath the feeder. I used a wireless trigger to release the shutter on the camera. It took four to five hours to build, and I refined it several times. The images were taken in our backyard in Anchorage, Alaska.
注:白腰朱顶雀,又称普通朱顶雀、朱顶雀,俗名点红、苏雀。其分布于近北极地区,包括北欧至加拿大、俄罗斯、日本、朝鲜半岛及中国大陆的东北、宁夏、新疆、华北、华东等地。 常见于溪边丛生柳林、沼泽化的多草疏林和栎、榆等幼林中,也见于各种乔木杂林和林缘的农田及果园中。
http://photography.nationalgeogr ... olls-feeder-alaska/