

v- .»• ■• h 表 1 职•
又 辑编 "汉 .文 辑编 # 主.
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符树求 探渭任 一 周爽南 一 伍铨英 ” 林华扬 一 黄f■日日 -荣亚荚 一 卢友4一 ~ 罗添勋‘ 一 黄金生 -都鸥日曰 -
靡 < 中季 < 校豕 汪终于词
叡wr 疗 J Ll"±^ 夜除心^华为桥和何以进丸明 i
麻”「6「L点… ,,
快离情化昨资书章£义儆三既 "5 rrwJ J J y或三
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,芦令蠢王嘉木四念埼明兹韵脳 “ 'FW千丄丄J1强f丿手 口 务铁信4纡度里咋孙在寛兹免杼 彰三「『[「丨“丄丿J『1至


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*•…陈充恩 *
君等负笈本校,历有年所,米阴 荏苒,忽忽又居高中举案•念旣往之 辛勤,得今日之收获,洵属时代之俊 秀,建国之干部,余故不禁为诸君额 手称座!
孔圣杏坛毁敎,其道以仁为健, 以礼为用,必俟克已复礼,行有余〃 ,则以学文,简咳言之,意卽做人尤 重于学问,本末显然,不容倒置'人 若有乗常道,倒行逆施,纵具经天纬 曲之才,充其髭•不过为衣冠禽兽' 行尸走肉,终乃与草木同朽而已'丁 此叔季,礼敎已咽,邪说纷耘'上无 道揆,下无法守,:氐志稍不坚定'旋
被同流合污,卒陷于万刼不复之地,可不惧哉?是故孔圣之遗敎,銭甫■军生券琴服膺之必 要。
现社鱼满呈矛盾之现象,亩于牧竞之尖锐,今后谋生将仓益困虽,如仅本现育之知识 似尙不足以应世,今祖国虽处扰攘之逆境,然就高等教育言,究任日新又新之中'靑与果 能毅然返国,咬得苦莱根,发愤力学,则所获当较承平时代养尊处阴为佳,设更能以爱羣 利国之心贡献于国宗社会,其收效自亦愈宏而愈大,君等如具贝权慎抱 > 苟非格方,、环境' 甚愿贸其余勇,更进九仞之一篑;至于厕身社何者,允宜勿奢勿怠,行远自避,资高自卑 ,瑰其望奢而穷于应付,莫若执两用中以求胜任愉快,惰性为失败之本'敬业乐葬 自强 不恩,且作且学,努功精进,斯为要看,前所云云,虽系老生常滥,夷考具眞能力行者, 究属寥若晟星,用特不怫词费,举而出之,聊进临岐之一言•
颌蕊为君等从出之母校,不问将来造诣如何深厚,个人地位如何崇高,今在钟中所彼 之德泽,总期饮水思源,不稍忘懊,君等苟能人人以此心为心,一以发扬光大锤中为职志 '母枝尙何患不能止于至善哉?
黯然错魂者,惟别而已,斯别旣有伟大光明之前途,自亦无所用其儿女情长,所望人 人俱能认淸现实,道学兼修,穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下,曷胜馨香祷祝之至!
. 汪永年 “■ —mrx =—
本校高三同学行 将毕业,拟出特刊留 念•索福于余•余忝 长敎务,时与诸生接 触,丁兹分袂之时, 不能无感,爰书敷言 ,用以赠别•
'君等修毕高中学 程后 >若不升学,卽 将择业而就,不论升 学抑就业,皆将离校 他往矣。
各科之基本学识 ,君等巳具备,此后
应努力者'厥为专科知识之探求,升学者,固有师受之指还与督促,无烦余之喋蝶,就业 者'则因环境之不同,生活之驱策,若非意志坚强者,则易流于散漫,最宜注意•
先哲有言:「学无止境J,可见学问之深遽藐还,非十数年之时光,不能窥其大槪« 然人究不能离社会而独立,必为生活而锄劳,能得天独厚处境淸静者,毕竟少数,所以工 余之暇,应知利用,孜孜探讨,择性近者而努力,不让光阴虚瘩,不为顼境迁移,如是日 积月果,成就可期矣。
就业之前•,须详察自已之个性与兴趣,择性近而兴浓者就之,一经择定,卽宜一心一 德,努力所业,切莫见异思迁,朝秦暮楚,应抱「终身以之」,「鞠躬尽瘁死而后巳」之 精神•如因一时便利,或为虚荣所诱而随便从事,终贻后悔,盖业不近性,味便索然,必 致中途更改,尽弃前功,可不愼哉?
就业之后,暇时必少,该忙中抽间,探讨实用知议,尽心于职,决不要颓废自放,看 无谓的小说,作无谓的消遣,以浪掷此大好光阴•应多求阅歴,努步进取,以求上进,待 机会将至,当选头上前,乃事业必修成功。日进无强。
最后,第二次大战后,党派之孚益剧,彼等各以生花之笔,如簧之舌,宣传游说,翼 博同情,君等初入社会,自宜谣愼将事,勿轻信人言,凡事于国彖民族有利者,可瞥而襄 之,否则斥而远之可也•寥寥数语,愿诸君共勉之•
— 11 —
社会因为新陈代谢的集脯作用,必 然的在日新月异输变佟,祁断的发生了 复杂的不固定的现象,因此人类就天天 在矛盾的妹一中过活若,遂产生了守法 ,社会秩序等维持作用,使整个社会能 调和起来,于是「情」与「理」便占了 维持作用的大部份。例如生育制度的本 身,是由结婚而生孑而我老,这是社会 新陈代谢的集体作用的一种渐积的•彩
I L !■ ,公弃情盛系人宇姻花水如,爱婚者 下」放援.窍双全是世林恨死的楕而X 则了,作了立宾者前—长视为r,E 原调>当制确的前I,生均人,爱S 的强X类抑以孑为谓」人方的来博与 .宅生是芯人智,孩因所头是艹造说的爱 •权卫,"把理度成,国心自眼改般督情 燃对注睥,抱制完事我节,中以一港才 J 理期1?,霭辞IT烬I7S -一崭违迅的能的•,次之番时贬比秘,问 -任不,吊类难理系是为-几〃是的爱妻 -主在后帷人,政关尙揄竟』"!■■'上的夫 zriJ蛮嬴轰摆麒浏 ,>衅响1嚣器霓T f工.华智,孕得位已厂胭増解恋之好 "人,理的M地自不,味熟一-子灵 、;剖谐迁太能备妇份可剪风意辆的父< W人打呕营鲜所变免本殓夫身类-来的铅类,是 泛件<讷给,携必人邛父继是厂雨哲钏来之夫 胰依。撕,下其度种瘢就持子不:寒生协本孑如 冷讷rJ谟淮令尤制这明的维孩,,句来人者"母, 鹫蚕g.s然^ssLls??^ 疗社坤 ,i^sig覇I?_一J-^g^ 在演双『予湖定合的类•-或心匆的象理S爱。,,£ . -! 2隔:r跄给在固的妻人要亵领匆分现诺括情瓜然来殽四与诳由同 牺律凄谯已靛个在育微一使须的见太充种筑包祜铤刍出球有气.F是大 赭席<的箝铲一亠仔抚时夫是,类一,是此建定包是有育加必元说于界 -A啜必洞社涤要」系街一,农人厂红就一定定女抚辞一约来,世 有淄17泄♦松需度双对方育发子,答!是薮不一一男所蚀为民和广进 建可tfr立/不制匚倡现抚之斌1 了灵 把可则那,时而人调愈促 或类社设卷也娼了看;的格宙缘W长归而」姻;下宿.合市<就而
之说者都社系, 型来壊居以关立 同僵基久,的确 个遗因如险作的 一按蜘例诡合J ,新觐虹却分贿 人故耻而渐发院 有何蟾S逐间双 判,楠择后人L-财好岫须代人于 那报顶必三,基 窈婚此以有了能 妬通因所就大更 飞间 >,则扩> 黔妹事>否象通 绚姊的题,现贯 i1弟亲问剂的合 脂兄.认康调和融 心乎血健来调渐 鲜似点族气会逐 冷,有民元社的 圮解时是液则惯 况了古这血I习 '能国{的理作 :x最我者民踊风 SF近 < 劣农赃情 与最沥是须罅人 爱性财之液.细社

条》>.责憧>多务/辉x$疡 f期if爷|1华®
•号w***.-'' -.不时衣髭菱£4,:^ 才。夕*丸,桃3;.
汉予M弟、0* '.-£w4.4-m;-
•■!■* *肃* 宣
巍峨柱厦 区立槟榔 鹤山山色
.耸翠蟀 。灵秀钟毓 e 首及胶庠
树人大计 卅历星霜 济济多士
萃聚一堂 学成致用 到处斐黄
际兹暑假 五届高中 业将告竣
判袂东西 兼葭秋水 万里奚通
国攵主任管震民老师 几声原孑 震醒羣伦 天演物竞
日新又新行远自迩 大豁椎轮始基能固 批志可伸 认定正鹄 各展身手 如金就范
物物皆春 学无止境 业贵专精 不甘小就 应求大成 科学建国 効普用宏 声光化电
凡百工程 因利而利 身显名荣如有余力 知而速行 善政基础 善敎为先 玉琢成器
人学知贤 启期三乐 志卓心坚 师尊道重 今古相传 本身作则 无党无偏 同门友善
更无忽焉 圣门端木儒也而商 亿则屡中 冏闇称扬 维吾华裔 远涉重洋 资以待乏
货殖专长创成大业 晒:虽相望 书成平准 利市无疆 兵燹之后 人欲横流 茫茫大海
若无定舟 维抡与楫 彼岸是求 不为利诱 不作机投 安我本分 无忤无尤 自求多福
扫尽烦忧 煌煌校训 十大信条 匪惟在校启示尔曹 立身处世 可当风标 合水为大
积卑成高 公忠爱国 领迓侨胞 处为学孑 出则人豪 行矣有日 快苫祖鞭 分道扬锅
勇往直前 干家栋国 共任仔肩 花开桃李 荫满海天 力崇明德 校誉遐傅 前程万里
一 13-
since its inception. 1 hus you are among the
It is partly .my duty, partly my privilege and pleasure and last by no means least my kind intention as your form-master to contribute this simple but sincere message towards your Graduation Magazine. You can-justly be proud of it for the production of this magazine is mainly due to your initiative and hard work.
You belong 知 the *econ(Tbatch of Senior Middle HI Graduates of Chung Ling High School first few upon whom the prestige of the school rests. I not only trust but believe that you will-fully justify yourselves as boys of "the best Chinese .School in Malaya.n
Time seems to fly for I can still remember a number of you who first joined the Junior Middle III at the beginning of the Britisli reoccupation of Malaya when the school re-ppened. By now all of you know one another quite well though you might have joined the school at different times. I think most of you became better acquainted during your recent excursion round Malaya in December 1947 which lasted a fortnight. Added to this, the excursion not only refreshed your minds but also helped to educate you. All of you have behaved very well and shown a great deal of tolerance and undei-stand-ing which .made the excursion a great success.
In the field of sports you have taken great interest, thereby achieving the rare record of winning the Class Basketball Championship for three consecutive years. You have also been well represented in other games such as football, ping-pong, badminton and go on. A good number of you are officials in the various sections, holding such positions, as captain and secretary.
You have also occupied yourselves with magazine as well as School and Class Bulletin work which I am sure haye helped you to improve your English and gain experience.
In your studies you are equally enthusiastic though) I cannot say your enthusiasm continues throughout. Occasionally you seem to get out of your normal course but fortunately
and opportunely you seem to regain yourselves. On the whole you possess a decent amount of respect tor order and discipline. 警
To sum up I ,may say, your time has been fully occupied in healthy and literary activities which are the two principal assets towards success in life.
« » (\ , I . < -
It is my fervent hope that all of you should spend your time as usefully after leaving school. Your education does not end with the ending of your school days. In fact you should be more careful, for you are just entering the threshold of °the university of life” which is one of the hardest "examinations0 to be successful in. fox? everything' now depends upon you personally.
I believe if you carry on the healthy activities you learn in school, these activities will become part and parcel of you soon. Thus you will be able to enjoy the fullness and happiness of life which constitute my final message of greeting to you all individually and collectively after your graduation.
Our Form-Master
本年五月九日为日食之期,中国沿 海各地及日本等处,可见金环食,而南 洋各地亦可见偏食C是岩八时后企首仰 观者甚众,同学等多来询问商讨,兹芯 述其原因于下:
日食之发生由于日光当月所插,而 月食则因日光为地球所掩,此为稽习科 学者所习知•当月介于日地之间耳朔, 地介,于臼月之间贸望,故日食必在朔, 月食必在望•月绕地球毎月 '苗歴)一 周,如是则冃介日地之间及地介H月之 间,每月必有一次,而日月食则不常见
盖因黄道(地琲绕日轨道)平面与 白道(月课绕地轨花)平面F相合故也 •按黄沮平面,强赤道平面成二卜二度 半之角,而白直平面与萤道平面成五度 之角,必也日,日,地三球范威同时过 黄白二游之相交在线,则食之现象珞发 生焉•
因地面观察地点之不同,有全食(Total eclipse )偏食(Partial eclipse )及金环食 (Annular -clipse )之分。此理可用下图阖明之:
图中5表日球,M表月球,AA' , BIP ,为二外公切线,L , DD,,为二内公切线•观 察昔在外公切线之外之。,点,则日球未被月球所掩,故不生食象;如在内外二公切线间之 O点则日球一部为月球所掩,卽成偏食;如在二内公切线所成铠形之内之。3点,则日球全 为月所掩,卽成全食;有时地球离月球较远,圆锥顶点。不能达到地面时,在二内公切线 延晨线间之。点观察,则日球中心大邮为月球所掩'只余外圈一环之光线可见,卽成金环 食,此次阙内温杭各地所见者是也•
日全食时大地界失光明 > 为观测日球表面色球(chromosphere )及火烙冲发(Prom-i,,enc s)之现象及日球大气中所含原东之唯一良机。故科学界多不惜金钱人力,赴日食区 域,设观测台,于极短之时间内航集硏究松料。而见一九一九年五月廿九日卜I食时,在巴 西及中菲二地所观测之结果,证实爱 因斯垣(Einstcn )相对论中光线在 引力场内发生皆仙现象之理论,尤为 重要
古代人民对于日食现象,视为灾 异,发生日期,史不絶书•「我国诗 经春秋亦有记载•纪元前七百七十六
年八月二十一日月食,接踵于九月六日日食,,此罕有之现象,千载虽逢。诗经小雅七月之 交有诗云:「彼月之食,则维其常,此日而食,于何不臧!」盖记实也。
This short article is intended primarily for those students who are interest ed in Chemistry and who wish to continue tbeir Stuflie?; in* this subject now that they are leaving school.
I propose to discuss b riefly the various aspects of chemistry courses as taught in colleges and universities, and then the various care ers which are open to those who have undergor e a degree course in chemistry.
College Chemistry is divided for convenience into th ree branches — Physical, Inorganic, and Organic Che in is try.
(A). Physical Chemistry is the subject which serves to show the very close -
relationship between Physics and Chemistry. It deals with topics common lo both sciences. In addition to what you have learnt in sciwol about the Atomic and Molecular Theories, Electrolysis and Electrochemical Series, you will lu:ve to study in more detail the structure of atoms and molecules, Electrochemistry, Photochemistry, Thermcchemistry, Radioactivity, etc.
(B) . Inorganic Chemistry is the chemistry of the elements, both metals and non-metals. You are expected to know something of the ninety-two e!en??nts, with emphasis on lesser known compounds, manufacturing precesses of acids and alkalis, and extraction of metals.
(C) . Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of Carbon Compounds. This subject is a rapidly expanding on?. At present hundreds of thousands of drganic Compcunds are known an d more are being synthesised every year in the laboratory.
Below is a list of careers open to those who have mndertaken the above college course. You will clea see that thsre is a close connection between Chemistry and the other branc!ks cf Science such as Physics, Engineering, Biology and Medicine. Before you can enter any one of these professions, it is usually necessary for you after ycur graduation to spend at least one or two years more doing specialised work on your subject.
(1). Analyst. This, covers a very wide fie'd, embracing all £he three branches of Chemistry. The work of an analyst is mainly practical, though ;•. good knowledge of theories and principles is extremely useful. Analyst is principally concerned with analysis, breaking down substances to find out what they contain.
(2) . Biochemist. He (or she) is both a biologist and a chemist. He is con-ceined with the chemistry of living things. The subject is a wide one and 施 usually has to specialise on such branches as Food, Vitamins, Nutrition, etc.
(3) . Agricultural Chemist. As the name implies, he has to bring his know-ledge of chemistry to bear on the subject of Agriculture. He will have to work Gn soils, fertilisers, plant products, diary produce and other allied matters.
,(1). Pharmaceutical ChemisLor Pharmacist. His wgiRwill be concerned with elector's prescriptions, preparation of drugs and other niedicinals, •
(5) : Industrial Cheniist. He has a very wide field to choose from, and he will be working in factories or industrial laboratories. He may be a chemical engineer, works chemisl, textile chemist, metallurgist, or work in the oil, gas, coal, glass, ceramic, petroleum, and other chemical industries.
(6) . Research Chemist. He will have to specialise in any one of the three branches of chemistry and may be required to take up either pure research or applied research. Pure research is research for its own sake, the sole idea being to advance man's knowledge of the universe, and is therefore mainly concentrat-ed in aeadenre institutions, like colleges, universities and research institutes. Ap-piied research is mainly concerned with applying the results obtained by pure research to coinmercial use …large scale production, and finding and promoting further uses of the products. In short it is exploitation of pure research. Applied research is carried on in industrial laboratories or Government-controlled institutions and I hope those students who intend to further their studies abroad will find this article useful and helpful. It is a good idea that you should make up ycur mind as what courses to take up in college and what profession to enter after that. In conclusion I wish you all the very best of luck in whatever you may decide to do.
My very best wishes to the graduation class of June 1948 and may each and everyone of you find all H e success and happiness the! he rightly deserves.
Sincerely Yours,
C. K. CHE A FL '
南风薫薫,杨柳依依;炎荒浔暑时 节,呢宫高唱塀歌•诸生之学,巳告小 或;行将离校,各奔前程矣。
离别在斯须!余于执手跆■荆之际, 聊缀披言,为诸生作临歧语 >藉我惜别 之情愫 云尔!
男异.志在西方,前途浩远;诸生少 年英俊,金王美质'未来之功业 固末 可限适也-故宜先立志,悬拘以求 >斯 志不立,如无驼之舟'无鞍之马•自古 及今,有志而无成者则有之,未哨无志 而能有成者也,诸生锄之'舍是U成功 之槌径也
学海如瀚海,广漠无垠•吾人非如 案驻之坚戳'具刻苦耐劳之精神,则不
足以袈辽阔之前程 >而莲浅功之境域也•
第二次坦界大战之旅火签息,然美利至旣发明原孑弹于西,俄萝斯复硏究学宙光于北 ;临耗Z上,使者勾心斗智;帷握之中,贝维波诡云橘。强鄱野心勃勃,虎说眈眈!嗟乎 ! T斯板荡,吾中革将何以书处耶?
诸生乎!汝曹皆未来之国士也•其奋发为雄,磨藏以须,冀作砥神于中流,回任满于 旣到。星日能大赋身手,建功立棠,尚国家民族争光,则不惟无余之期望 ' 抑亦吾链灵 培现汝曹之浑煌,

, 级史
六年的中学课程到此地就耍告一段落了,我的是浩刼余生,非常徼俸地能再得到求学 的农会,在这从此每自弟•西的关头 > 觉得有无限的留态,当然,离别是无可避免的事'我 们也用不并依依惜话,只是「再见何日J却使大家感到惆怅而格外珍视学校生活•
本级鸡只有卅二位同学,抑是两年前初中三年甲乙两纽的缩影,当时有七十多位同学 ,毕业使半数以上离开母校;于卅五年六月后相继离校的有林子鹏'頼伟元'刘述明'司 徒龙蛟,范原正'徐可邦,陈慰中,方友良,张振顺,'林树或'徐育林'张石城'谢席辉 同学,而陆续加入本级队伍的真愈友仁'朱万德5杨登富5罗添动诸同学'此后就没购多 大更动,仅刘集这同学在上学期因故辍学而已;上述的卅二位同学之中有八十巴仙以上是 战前就在钟中求学的,且多半来自外埠'近自威省'霹‘成'吉打'速至巡跃'苏岛;原来 居住本城的占总数的三分之一•
我们在高中二年的时候,为了校订的课程蝇不上祖国1般中学的水率'不足以应付大 学的入学试验,所以不得不在课余另求补充'以致对校内一切的活呦都不成兴趣'抱「有 大哥在,犯不着多管」的态度:可是毁卷之来,每每出人意表-我们被人认为是毫无瓣事 能为,成事不足,败事有余的一苹了!我相信,无论是谁登到这种刺激都不会无动烟中的 1我们扪心自问眞的是成事不足,故事有余吗?眞的是窒无办事能力吗?好像不见得-
整然,我们曾是被人轻视的一级,可是在校际的各项竞础中'不见得会太落人后 作 文比褰第一名'书法比赛华二等成积至少不会太差了;至于韵育方面'本级在校内可以说 一案不逊于任何其他班级;以田径而论'本级拥冇甲组—千六百米及标枪两项冠亜'乙组 获得百十米低栏冠军;球类运动方面,本级有着相当光芸的线史'蓝球队一向雄归宝座' 鲫联了三年全校冠车,仲击败三百余寄宿同学的联队,拢有三位校代麦,是枝内阵容最坚 强的队伍;本级足球队为本年度高中部(五班)亚军,曾经以二比一弊退高中二年乙组一 一全校冠军队,核队 的篮足球队畏都在本 级;而民乒—项可以 说是人才集中的场所
,竹以六比一大脏飞 鹰乓乒队,为本年度 缀际淘汰赛冠讴,拥 有四位校代表,本年 度校队队长,R国卅 五年乓乒冠军队景成 组的队长都是本级的 同学,至于羽球本级
—20 — 注由
Very soon, our six year's high school life will come to an end. Ws are very lucky to escape the horrors and oppressions of war. To be able to resume our studies is indeed extremely fortunate. At the moment of separation, every one of us do suffer the heavy feeling of parting-. Certainly, separation, is invitable But we should not bs too sensitive over it even though we are deeply distressed by the earnest desire as "when shall we meet again.”
Although the present enrolment is thirty two in number, but as a matter of fact, this is the combinat ion of the 'A' and ,B, Masses* Junior Middle III which consisted of more than seventy students two years ago. After tlTe Junior Graduation the number of students left school exceeded hrJf the total enrolment. Since June 1946, Lini Chi Pang, Lai Wai Yuen, Lian Su Mir gt Sihn Loon Chiow, Fong Yuen Cheng, Chi Khor Pan, Chan Wai Chong, Fong Yn Leong, Cheong Chi Soong, Lim Su Foong, Chi Ycok Lini, Chong Sik Sen% and Chia Sik Wai left school. Loo Yew Yin, Choo Wan Teck, Yong Thong Foo, Lo Tien Fun then became our classmates. With the exception of Liau Chi Suen who also left last year, there wasn't much alteration.
Of the present thirty -two students, over eighty per cent of them come from out-stations; viz Province Wellesley, Perak, Kedah, and also as far as Siam and Sumatra. Local students occupy only one-third of the whole.
When we were in Senior Middle II the standard of our curricuAim was not up to that of the schools in China, so we felt cur stan dard was not geed enough for us to sit for the entrance examinaticn of university. We therefore, after school hours had to seek means to supplement cur knowlcdQ-2 which resulted in our lack of interest in any sch col activity. Bearing in mind that since there were the senior guys besides us we unccnscicusl}7, assumed the a ttitude of not to poke in our noses. Very often, one is apt to be inflicted by infamous matters, thus we were also regarded as a destructive group and a set of uselcss fellows. No matter whom it may concern, when so insulted, he would certa inly feel hurt. Wo began to feel whsther is this a .1 ustified assumption. Definitely this is ridiculous.
Though our class has not been we'l locked upon as it shculd be, but we are preud of ourselves in va rious schccl competitions asd is not so far behind others as we have been considered of. In the event of Essay Competition, we top the others, and in Chinese Characters Transcripticn, ws turned ont second. In the field of sports, w? emerged as champion in Ihe events of "1600" metres, and ^Throwing the Javel: nen in the uAn division. In 4 B” division, we also came cut first in 4<110 metres, Low Hurd'。"' Ccynvw to Iters of games, our c'azz has a very brilliant and unforg'ettable history. Having won the championship for three consecutive years, cur basket ta*l team is the best in th a school, ihe School Boarders team which has been selected from three hundred edd boarders was trc>mced by us. Three school basket ball representatives are from cur class and cur team is often impregnable. 0 u r fcGtball—team was
the runner-up of Senior Middle section this year. The "B” class cf Senior Middle 11...........football
Junior Middle IIIH.

也有一位校代表,为去年双打冠军之一,以上仅是校内各项竞赛的成积'对外来说'本级 也有代表参如根华田径选拔存,获驾百十米高痼及四百米中涡的殿军‘曾m征吉打全胜归 来的钟生乒丘队,自成立以还十战九胜,本级同学是苴骨干‘ 一手可办正副队长•
本级的璧报定名荐自苗;从去年二月一日发行创刊号以来,未尝中止,一廿出'九翔 ,每期在一万字左右,中英文练'白•都已废订成册‘交给学校当局保管;最后一期终〈级 爱好美术的同学们的结晶一一美术特辑‘别开生面‘为其他各级所不及•
卅六年七司,我们开始筹备果篥旅行,正逢着胶价转跌至每担廿余元他景光> w-向谑视.我们的感到汀.足,就连&们村己也没育十分的成功把握’经过了两个多月的芳干> 总真有了一专头绪,董事部方面的资助虽只友祯届的半数,卜同学们的熟贼却使我们感到 无限的钦慰•晕巩王景■成先生报効堤范彩就使我们有了 一千二百元的收入‘扌:中大部 份是母校同碧们的力最•
为了铨决经济拘困维,一方面亦为了表示吊琳的男女靑年决不是像一殷人所恩像约那 么落伍,同时也想要-雷成事不足,败事有余的耻寻,我们不计成败地接纳了福建女校所 中专三居毕案班绀建议,联合凶行歌舞大会以筹募皐业旅行约经费;我们在痘封建气息最 浓厚的正城,不颊一切地排除各槌障碍,完成了卫道者摇花叹氧的事,司以挽是已经费.证 九生二虎之力了'
我们的单发效観囤,由三位珥:师军顿*在十二月上旬出发‘遍淮全齿各大城市,全程 均一千八汀英里 > 参观过中学魔十四,学院三,工嗷四 > 博物院及各地政府暁关名胜等多 处共费时十五1•
以课铃的.污动来讲,谚中管弦乐*号长,校闰缟丛,钟千学鼓社第二居的编堆主任及 本居衽会那是本级的同学,执委方面毎一届有四位。鲜二忌五位‘第三居为了藉备旅行的 线故,本缎七位当选的执委部提出辞职,本居又有三 位同学分任.绢赭和营业的工作,母校没尙自治会的组 织,一向沿用学员制-由各级正副级长公罪'于全校 千三百同学的代表,本级现任正副弦长会分别常选为 正副堡尤其他如盖岛及吉打旅极之同学会,4级同 学为其主干,如主席,财政,文书等职务都是本■级为 同学负责。
上面运些零星没有系统的片断,是复校以来本缀 的槪沈,当然,我们是决不敢和「舗中之股肱」较信 长短的,不过,我们究竟是£是「饭桶」?大慨可以
分暁了。 (本校团体操之阵容)
some talented
champion team of the school, was once defeated by us. The schooFs football and basket captains are from our class. With regard to Pmg Pong, we have several good players. The “Flying Eagle" ping-pong team was trounced by us by 6—1. In the inter-class competition, which was played off by knock-out system, we also won the championship. There are four school ping-pong representatives in our class. The captain oLKeng Seng” division of 1946 filso came from cur class. As to badminton, we also have a school representative who won the championship in the doubles last year. The above glories are confined only to school competition. Other than these we also took part in the recent Penang Chinese Athletic meet. One of our* cRis^nat^ came out third 】n the -110 metres High Hurdles" and "100 metres Middle Hurdles.'' Recently, the -Chung SangM ping-pong team made a tour to Kedah and returned with a bright success by winning nine 'games out of ten. The captain as well as the vice captain are from our class.
"Freedom1* is the name of our bulletin news. Since its initial publication on 坪 February, 1947, it has never ceased its publication. Until now, we have turn-ed out nnie publication which consists of over ten thousand woi'ds in each publi-‘ation. Chinese as well as English have been introduced. At present, these have peen careiully bound up and entrusted to the care of the school authority The last publication was extraordinary, Paintings contributed by artists from cur class were put up for exhibition.
In July 1947 we began to make preparations for a Malaya wide
Very unfortunate indeed, that was a period of slum, the price of rubber dropped t。$20 per picul. Under such hard conditions we were doubtful whether our plan would materialize but after more than two months' struggle, our plan seemed to .take lorm. Assistance were rendered by several generous benefactors The amount of lund collected was merely half of that of the previous batch. With the kindness of Mr. Ong Keng Seng, who donated a cinema show for the fund we were fortunate to raise a sum of one thousand and two hundred. Of course' the co-operation and assistance given by our schoolmates were appreciable
In trying to solve our financial difficulty as well as to show that the younggeneration are not so back ward and resei'ved as have bee n generally considered^ and at the same time to clear off the insult of being- iidiculed as “inefficient'' we ignored the matter of success or failure, whole heartedly accepted the proposal of Junior Middle III of Fukien Girl School of 1947 to combine together to stage a concert for raising more funds for the excursion eypenditure. Consequently, we succeeded in stjiging- the performance in spite of the feudalistic ideas of the in-habitants of this island.
The Graduation Excursion Party was led by three teachers which set out in the middle of December last year. Various large towns were visited. The en-tire journey covered one thousand and eight hundred miles. Fourteen high schools, three colleges, four factories, two museums, a number of Government oflices and places of interest were visited in the course of fifteen days.
Well, as regards our activities in school, we had been the editor of the “Chung Chong Shiaoh Pao" and the present manager is from our class. In the first election, four of our classmates became its committee members: in the second election, it increased to five, and in the third it came to seven, but they resigned in view of the pressing preparations for the Malaya wide excursion. In the current committee board, three have been elected to shoulder the responsibility in ., , students' self-governing-
society, whereas the school prefect system was and still is adopted. The school prefect is elected by the monitor and assistant monitor of every class who present the one thousand and three hundred students in t:________
monitor and assistant monitoi- are elected as school prefect and assTStant'"school prefect.
In conclusion, we wish to state that the above information is but a scramble sketch of our class. Of course, we may not like taking- tlie risk to compare our ability with the “cream" of the school; but are we really s.ich a useless set? This may serve to give a better understand to our i-eaders about us in general.
editing and of business transaction. Our school has no
the school. Our present
present the one thousand and three hundred students in
・ > 的提正,三,因,选对衣运•来能较已牙 34动里的打 出名,动队他代技反以信比他以 1运校期吉 不一寄运球但管全队任相性姿」 (活学学自,都篇文S,,度做重我个改张 生在本来席试赛之;级令长年他个,的雄主 新!是:王目比会任本羽队五是.沁理他很, 行了他艮的的%委担是假昧卅也编办,,表 实— 一•,级含次作膳他心乓,助主来多执外 位衰知副学各部生由,驼乒会输刊间很固究 几不不的伺往中宿也军恼生动能特时会当构 了道人级吨以高寄长冠如钟魂。业的T相不• 添吾无本旋,得,衽米厉是学队毕部A但,J 多U-乎是属绩徳团社百* •中不起全的取见眼 为到几也打成经観报六N题华冠负了者进意还 因感」时吉业曾参翊千H典马氏肩牲贪人的眼 近他毛同是学,级届校臆威席乒从仪孙为了以 最,无,又论外本本母淫最出的自多须-,定, 志」长以 之任,是 乒校会他不他烈决牙 同起学所 名历从他手乓母动差像刚经还
林华扬 (136)
林君葬扬,字国绍,福建南安人,实余 相处凡八九年,故林君之品学,余知之甚详
君谦第有礼,文质彬彬,待人接物,不 亢不卑,蔼然可亲•毎受同学推暖,卽负责 以効劳,克盘融职•历任本校学嵌社营业部 执委'钟中福建联合散舞角财政,皐业旅行 团财政及黒业篝委会声事等职,颇受同学之 爱戴。
君性好动,活泼玲珑,何夺得権城华校 运动会丁:组个人冠军•尤善游泳,嗜羽球, 更爱游岀玩水,其为人之乐观可知毕业后拟 返羯再求深造,来日之成就,当可预卜也!
具与受 独,中 君得形
L贝, 松神±-昧精之 ,之友 人—待.
贵人其也 于恕因友 明心能益
每之每诚 人.已,,
世恕者It 以交感 一-君琪
. ——25—
不是拍马 '也不是吹牛,曾受陈视学官 统美过中英文兼优的一位同学'僮有我们的 黄老大,在学技里,他的确很红,身村虽然 瘦小,意志却很刚强'一双发亮的眼睛,象 微看他数于事物所有的判断能力,是何等坚 强•所以不论在学业上或在服务能力上,在 班上实高人一等。
一九四六年,荣任本校复兴后第二届副 学畏;历任本级级长,旅行发观团团长,深 得同学们的爱戴及师长的好评。
有涵翳罗丽髄寰绣翳曩丄番 最进取的人。 一符树求一
首先,我要补充以上二者之不足的就建 :他《•任玻天荒首次板城男女学生耕合歌舞 会的主席。在极恶劣的环境和不利的条件下, 能够办得有条不紊且成标斐然,已足颐出他 底办事能力和坚定的意向,他的思想纯正> 肯接受别人合理的批评'惟厌恶不注的诽谤 •「舍已利羣」是他唯一的目标,「忠城谦 读」是他处世的座右铭。 一伍铨英一
际兹世末,人心不古,有友皱直如符君 者,可谓难得•
君体格魁悟,性康爽,有侠义之风'善 交友而坦率无偶。观乎是次之被举为毕业篝 委!r主席以还,不锌劳瘁,东西奔走,领耳 诸委员,排除阻鸡,任劳任怨,且小耻下问 ,未尝以领袖自居,惟积极认眞以从事,服 务精神,可谓不下于乃兄树安君矣。去岁且 因救拨车祸无记小功,亦本级之光也•
君虽来自暹跃,而语不含土膝;论学业, 未尝出十名;食呈之大,至堪一提,且每餐 必进以水三材,体重虽百七十磅,惟未碍 及其运勒之灵敏,羽球为専长,针代表本校 出席町华中学运动会,且楼去年校内淘汰赛
一年来为管老师代抄国文讲义者,便是 邢君福地,他的字迹淸秀,曾于去年本校大 楷比赛第三名,邢君不但独善书法,他的文 章亦为老师们所ffiViN今咨佗文比赛,甲组 第二名也是属于他的。
刚直,坦白是邢君为人毙点,但在目前 的社会中,我希挚邢君能「智图行方」,来 应付环境•他办事肖负贵、在我们的H由壁 报成立之初都是他一手抄写的•
邢君的龙洛非常健美,他育适当的季度 和非常诘实的筋肉眉淸目秀,可是在他的 枭梁上竟架上了一副两百多度的近视眼镜
收集旧邮票为邢君的嗜好,篮球,羽域 ,游泳亦感到十分兴运;石香,写作,下棋 为他所爱好的消i甘•
戴君锦欣,祖籍广表大埔,为人和蔼可 亲,抱乐观态度,故同学多欲粗之交也•
君智慧过人,战前卽为本校同学,昔时 学业优良,考试成绩常列前芋,尤以英文见 优,惟战后因受战虑影响,学业略见逊色, 然尙可取也。
君身材高度相称而健壮;性好动,爱自 然,故喜游山玩水,每逢星抑股日,常于海 边烈日蒸昭之下,作其健身之暗泳运动,而 其游泳技术,亦顺可观,
君然课外时作篮球足球导运册,故对于 运动方面,亦不至落人后-
毕业后,君拟继续求深造,以君好学之 精神,将来之成就,正可拭目以待也。
林君之所以被同学称为「博士」者,因 其对于科学特具天后,且素有硏究之故,通 常理化问题,不假思索,数学尤足惊人,如 以难题质之,莫不详为爵绎,迎刃而解1絶 无不明聘涩处,卽师长亦极为赞许。
君立志深造,弦将来为国家建设而努力 ,以君之智慧,辅以虚心好学之精神,志赏 功成之日,当不在远,
事师之恭,待友之谦,无出君右昔,且 全无轻浮虚饰之熊1办事亦唯简捷一一科学 化为主。尝任本校寄宿生副总室畏,本级参 观团及毕槩齢委会之财政等职•其务服精神 ,极足敛佩,惜因体格健康关系'每有力不 从心之叹。
他生长立一个「世庄书香」的家庭里, 所以从小就养成了他爱好文艺的个性,日常 除写作外翻常是他的椅长,时育在报章上介 绍西洋长近约佳作丨小鶏丨便是他底笔名。
在校中他可说是一位「编辑还I钟中校 开,学报;「自由J壁壁;以及本刊都有他 的涣迹•他有一张普淡而幽甥的嘴巴,为入 也相当乐观,但偏重淸感,这次为了毕业刊 的美观起见 >他下计时间与辛苦,日继夜地 剪贴编排其中照片'这苦干的精神'足见他 对办华的负贵和认嵯•
对运动,大概基因为脸上多了一副累赘 的眼鎌,所以只略简乒乓,不过却酷爱游泳 ,远足,旅行,摄影等课缭生活•
此外他喜浩美术,本级墙报的封面,塁 业刊的浦图,多是他的作品,最后他还是一 鸣惊人的本级「美术特统J的主办人。
生 金 黄
而笔过业高羽,当联现 卷的。任毕术如影相在投 略他性担,技的摄育。当 髪是个皆编兵他,也「相 头一他.壬乒其泳唱子, ,心他,报了,游散嗓职 长丹是 英壁除长,对金一 稍r ,国丄,队山外—股。 孔,理于由面队爬此的目沈 面风眞重自万校,,级节叙 ,之漩偏J动度去课本任和 瘦「服,吸运年得功为担责 高家,面轴•本过的橙他a 子术宗方学瓣一还余被,的 个艺嗷 课居编一 &媒忡上作 的—仰功二文外球他,会 他fl信点第中筹台是就辟对 _»; 佼的一,生成歌他 黒名本刊人球写的合出
武眼 苏一 江过 籍见 原尝
他慨言 大格 ,的
影一 的乡 乡返 家想 连很 却后 他茉 是毕 可以 ,所 进,
点嗔太 缺满得 的烟诵 大过朗

黄葬添(13G )
在我们的班中,孜孜不倦埋头苦读者一 当首椎黄君奕添,他对于功课永远没竟放采 过,「战时如平时」,纪是他独具的求学态 度。
黄君身孑矮小,具有一副笑容可掬的面 孔,在同学中,凡事都能成全他人,帮助他 人,他没角怪修的脾气,对大众有益的事务 ,都能赞'同•
「人生以服务为目的」是黄君为人的态 度,他答应了为朋友办事,不祷成功£止, 虽直障爵和困雉,他亦不顕•诚实 < 荐信筏 黄君的美德,他少与同学言笑•发言之先常 当三思.
遍君素好理科,尤精良、数学,同学每逢 对数学白所疑问,常请黄君代苏,所e锥题 ,都能蟀释得条条有理・
我件询问黄君果业后的计制,他总笑嘻 嘻的回答说:「待将来事实证明你使明白 了,」这可证明黄君处熨顾到贯荫,而不尙 空谈0
29 —
司徒恩(167 )
他是一个不善酬酢的人,他有一显疾恶 如仇的心,所以他讨状一般世俗的虚文,虽 然如此 > 但却不妨凝他交友的问题,因为他 宿颗热诚眞系的心-
人都肖一个特长,但以一个中学生来谈 特长,未免是长得不够麻烦,短得不够味, 所以现在来说他的长处,小如说他的嗜好是 硏究无线苞学凡较来尚恰切,泡是日人时代 的恩汤,两年多的时光并小白花,他虽自不敢 说有什么成就,但从那时起,使他对于数理 增加了许多兴里 周是使他此次强过呙中之 门通往大学机磁系的岫扱点。
岁月并没在他脸上留下多少痕迹,所以 也还谈不到苦翌的滋味根据梁启超先生所 迹的:人生最苦的岁莫过于身上背捶未 来的责任 > 能完成大兀任者,便能得到大乐 ,小责任者小乐,所以他希望各位同号,在 逗分手之后,都能完成大小的赏任,得到大 小的快乐•
林寿田 (172)
具有军人作风之林君瀚田,原籍广东东 莞县,为本校蓝,足球代表队之队长,所有 球战建立之伟绩,皆有頼于君之出师督阵, 奔命卖力,诚不愧为本校一优秀之篮足球健 将,君球艺高超,冲锋陷阵,急如闪/,智 勇兼备,投堑射门,百发百中•
君体魄魁亿,孔武有力,然态度谦选, 沉默寡言,遇育利羣之职务,从不推辞,且 能尽职,敢说敢为,做事有始有煽,历任本 校第三大队大队长,绿色田径组长,钟中福 建联合歌舞会保管副主任,毕业旅行团副团 长等职,君之学业,堪称'爰良,中英数皆有 心得。「文武兼全」,君可当之无愧°
本级最奇,最年轻,最用功拘 >就是这 位号博「牧师」的黄昭烈同学,他生长在一 个宗敎色彩很#遅厚的家匿里,从小就养成了 好学的习惯 > 课余除了偶然能在海海发现他 的猥迹之外,其他一切娱乐场所,如电影院 ,游艺场,歌台等都很难见到他的影子,因 为他是主的信徒•
他北核城中华基督教卫理公何靑年团契 会的副主席,本级的同学差不多有三分之一 由他介绍入会,处处让人,理人无争,同学 两年多来,时或仗义执言外,从未见过和人 吵闹'这是使大家乐于亲近他的绿故,他抱 籽为良医的志向,预备在毕业后专攻医科。
吕 昌 浮 (178 )
吕君昌浮,祖籍福建南安,为余撃友之 一,君秉性好静,态度谦逊,出言和万,待 人接物,彬彬有礼,故同学乐与之接近,倭 寇南侵-•其父不幸死于战祸,幸邨君精明能 择,率弟继承父业,竭力经营,以渡过洽陷 饥寒之危机•光偿后重返校求学,且商且读 ,一心两顾,其精神颇为可嘉。
君智慧过人•然虚慎若谷,且能束身自 爱,勤烟学业,不遗余•力,常见其手不绎卷 '指不离笔•故国文一科,造诣尤深,善于 写作,对于文艺诗歌,素有硏究•
君处世达翻 >重然诺,爱好音乐,喜辫 论,每作一事,深谋远虑,必三思而行•
据悉君于毕业后,拟转读英枝,以求深 造,偷君能本其好学之精神,将来势必有所. 成就,余讲祝其前途光明。
—31 —
戴君•祖焕,粤之大埔人也,举干雄伟, 目炯炯育神,容北焕发,襟慎宽大,态度就 恳,待人接物,不亢不卑,为同学所乐交。
君性幽默,颇好言笑,课鲑,必诀谐百 出,毎令人拊掌大笑,驹人处事,暗条有理 ,有始有终,从不半途而废,朴素更为其一 向之作风•
君嗜游山玩水,喜羽球,尤以音乐歌唱 为最,云以音乐为其第二生命线•君于兴高采 烈之际,必引吭高歌,次则游泳,每当星期 假日,池边海滩,卽可见其影之出没•
学业方面,从不疏忽,且能潜心硏究, 尤以数学为最,惟疏于写作,成雄向不落人 后、
君为格岛备生,未见祖国风光,毕业后 ,拟返国升学以求深造<
杨君元宝,福建港澄人 > 身粉魁伟,天 资聪颖,实为本级出类拔萃之人物C
君好静寡言,喜音乐,为本校铜乐队中 坚,小提蒙造诣颇深,教演奏会上,常有君 之足迹C
运动方面,君为本校蓝球冠军队之后术 ,足球,乒乓,游泳等皆有相当或就;尤擅 长标枪,为卅五甲度全校建•勃会标枪冠军。
君为暹曜旖生,精通遇文,能操•-口极 流利之渥语,中英文成绩相埒;毕业后拟从.
(189 )
凡与陈君交游过的人,无F知他是一位 热情的靑年,他肯攘牲小我,为大众服务, 当本级旅行参観遹到金帰洛高东时,在倾盆 大雨的夜里,他均奋勇的脱去上衣,替同学 们将车顶的行李杀下,看了他迖僮自我攘牲 的精神 >便可知其个性的大槪了。
足球是陈君的特长,本级足球队的战绩 ,赖陈君的力不小,此外他爱好游泳,近来 为了専心努力课本,所以渐渐的疏远了•
陈君无惊人的口才,但喜交襟,他始终 以坦白待人,故其亲友无不嘉许•
这功。负可乙•,枪 超欧长所动取昔篮开有 想开队小运夺美论,以 我位约从烟曾渗不马所 使居,对-最类驰, 就的一萝,」校钺.外得 ,中第潅酔通全对此心 声U队居精皆为,,宜 乐是乐籍而样,书.jill颇 铜他弦,小样势拔精'ly't•
那小是福的般,华丘重der 到一也籍佃八审括及殿Ind 应一时原,十冠席球,rot 一兄同他校—啲出羽泳! 仁,本是低仲,游A1 .ra*l - 矿、II ••-
§ 1; - JI.: J:? h他所十是。,的, 的,管澄矮,姿选不船稚于,在槪些艮过 拘 壮来校海孑哭咋•径无划之由题会大差特改 / • 雄羊本建个武跳田丘• J,虽手来为的于!提得 ..... .....面答也近稽他勇的灼心
S,峑故直纪做后究 学义挙高绿爽,易故硏
•' 人前最的改容有 付臣笈说纽且足,丨 替列的商卽所 很

在邪温和可亲的面孔上,配上了一副近 视眼镜•他的身体健美,魁悟,在班里可说 是一位数一数二的人物•
郑君为人爽直,公理所在,必与力争• 好言笑,喜诙谐,在同学谈笑预中常发现他 的影孑。善交 而不滥'为人据慨,Y有利 于大众的事务,总肯尽力做去'不惜一切牺 牲,且不畏任何艰难。
不席下问,是他求学的态度,终日孜孜 不倦的埋头于课本上硏究,每逢雉号,必津 书请敎于老师,非达完全了解不止°
君抱学无止境的藉神'-堆业后不拟借重 学校为求智识的场所,而/足于社会,籍资 求得实用之处世智识。
在本缀中只有一位是鲁迅的同宗,他就 是坐在我背后的爽南同学,广东南海是他的 技乡C
他有着中等的身林,波浪式的头发,溢 和的脸孔,蓄你看见他的金牙时,他是在笑
驾举是精,左账责他业 于选ty的缘(>•査负是学 善要.ili甲了球的和也他。 ,级Jib数絶羽的会.我时福作 的本rol究他级艮斐诚同祝工 様果卩硏 和本营筹的务,的的 同如的他像卷楽他职箧诚设 是'坦佩好别他果见等?4虔建 *1•获钦径但是缀可长的者些 看车他很 田,琴本ki队散笔一 他夜么我 >汉提及,中崇后做 在开那 面外小以辨,最最多 时r, 方门乐会包长他•家 平不学了动是音委手队是位底 和从同一连也齢膳一小师识为 试但的近到球对校他过程的好 考车功接讲足,本是当工想, 汽用耍,,将务他理功 -驶较将神蓝手任。最成
.,张学衍 C2db)
张学衍同学有着一般自暹萝来极的同学 们善长运动的特性,他的外表很容易被人误 会作琼洲人,其实他是地道的「客人」;性 好动,是本松足谀鲑将,专踢左翼,有飞将 军之称,又是本级蓝羽球选手,曾参加本年 度全咬运动会获得八百米接力优胜.・善游泳 ,气魄过人,不愧为一运动健将O
足球是他最擅长,所以每逢别处有名的 队伍来根比寮,球迷之中常发现他那修长适 度的影孑;也喜欢音乐,若有音乐性的集会 或者有音乐价値的影片,决不轻易放过。
社会的影响,环境的主使,使他成为一 位乐覩主义者,在他不满之时他常说他要从 痛苦中创造快乐•他相当有自信心,不过易 被情感所主使。
刘纪征(201 )
刘君纪激,中等身林,龙格壮健•皆力 过人,为本校数一数二之塞重员,君酷好运 动,对于足球璃篮球,尤其爱好,为本级篮 足球队 > 争光木少。
君之个性,沉默寡言,为人忠厚可亲, 谈吐温雅,病条不紊,且常夹有诙谐之语句 ,使人听之而不感枯燥,故同学皆乐与接近
君于国文,造诣颇深,课后尤见彼埋预 于课本之间,孜孜不息,略有疑问,则求之 烟师长或同学,务必求其通逹而后已,做事 缺少毅力是他的短处。
君不乗虚荣,不作无谓之幻想,只求实 际之知识,毕弃后拟缰续求深造,将来之成 就,必在意料之中•
他的个子不高可也不缓,面孔也和常人 一样,所特奇的就是有若一头天然的曲发• 不嗜虚伪 脂从公理、岌好自由是他的个性 C谈吐时诙谐百出,旦笑里含讽,常令人命 笑皆非C
他对各项的功课,都白偿良的成绩,每 次考试总在五名左右;絶摂是他的韦弓好戏 •祚运动方面印也不世腐后'丘氏一一常胜 审舗生队的副队长'枱球都石絶技外 ,篮足 羽球也无一不晓。
荆烟办事的认眞和负世,实任很可卷我 们的模范'班中各项纬炽的酔事'老是他一 手就办 箪以联合歌舞衣来说,如舞台M布 '蛊 > 游且的鑫福 > 多亏他的涂走•才定大音 的渖岀精彩不少。价次担任毕巣刊的文书, 更表现出他服务的精神。
「音乐I是他4活的早二要素,所以他 对歌唱当然自肴相当的经验和成就。
#亚颜( 207)
君为福建惠安县人,生于吉礁属居林, 沦陷期间随父经商,故谙熟广客福觉各色方 言,尤善于交际•
君身材矮胖,眉目淸秀,性喜幽静'生 活扑素,谈吐举止 >含有商家风度。
课余之暇,不是孜孜求学,或致力补习 稍差之学业,便是活跃球场,锻錬坚强之体 格,游泳音乐,尤为其特别嗜好。
「天下无难事,只怕有心人•」为君铭言 。君不受謡媚,不怕威胁,凡眞理存在,必 奋身以赴,尤为同辈所敬仰。
侪 ,•人文仓为 士、J 寡虚 正故,「 命•则谦端,书名
旅动则如历面,而 团运战静俺方,素 观言;能,三范安 参以长将级之动为之 级专儒本致运以功 本任为为•以,足成 ,主尤是之M识确业 员、股球,喻力学,事 探育蓝若以君,弊来 表体:目足,人之将 代任林然亦军为激为 球则人怡,冠于偏必 盘时岀亦兎赞君无更 为洲健憩脱比,,则 中星投,如絵之道,. 校及本阵动级言其静焉 于马亦陷,球简得鎭料 南君锋女篮皆事预 行.■冲处届,事可
8 O

李达文(210 )
看了李君达文的照片,我们便可知道他 是一位富育感情,多思足虑的尚年。凡是正 义所任,可舍身取义,平时为人,慷慌,不 喜斤斤较量,从不吹毛求疵。所以除了一些 奸猾之士,都好与他亲近,来往。
李君乃级中中英文兼优者,对文学非常 爱好,常以文学作品为消遣。此外他炮口才 亦不差,曾代表本级出席级际英文演讲比赛 ,在友谈话中,时发伟论,滔滔不絶。
毕业后,李君拟入英校专攻英文,然后 再计划深造•
吴松栢(1091 )
他有魁梧的体格,俨然而立,正如一位 健将,使人一望而生羡慕之心,我咨问起他 的健号格,他总是说:「天之赐与,我并没 有甚么健身房,」其谦逊之处,由此可见一 股.
谈到学案,他眞是奇才,自从踏进高二 以来,学期总成续,始终是他领先的,他确 有独到处,数学尤其惊人,解弛易如反掌, 奥妙处使人不易明了,如股虽记忆的历史笔 记,他能慨然热诵,尤其雉得•
处世方面,智图行方,是他的指针,也 就是他的紊志,故历任各事以来,都能得到 好果,职是之故,
庄之权〈1202 )
庄君之权,祖籍广东文昌县,生于中 国,幼年,随兄南渡,攻读本校,君性敏慧 '不喜争斗,身粉适中,不修边幅,长于国 学,善书写,为人倜傥,不拘小节,性诙谐 ,课后淸谈,出言成趣,故同学乐铤相处>
% 一
卢友仁 (1204 )
每当课余,辄见有一指手划脚,大发伟 论者,此卽本级大名鼎鼎之辩论家一虑君 友仁C
君长身玉佥:仪•容潇洒,态度灵活,天 资聪慧,性情爽直刚毅,彼虽善于辩论,然 于上课之时,静心聆悉师长之讲训,好学进 取,乃肤君之美德•曾任本饭副级长,深得 师长之好评,以及同学之羡慕•
君谈吐雅而不迷,于同学谈笑羣中,ET 若悬河,滔滔不絶,头头是道,且能吸引多 数同学之注意•力,实具有外交家之作风。
虑君之英文,造诣尤深,同侪深感望尘 莫及,甘任本级墙报英文编巅,毕业斑参観 园英文文书,又毕业刊英文编谢•毕业后, 拟应剑桥九号之考试,以君好学进取之精神 ,,前途眞无可限量•
杨登冨(1206 )
假如天下的人都赋予像他一般的性情和 人格,相信大同世界的实现就易如反掌了• 他富自潜心硏究拘精神及和平容忍的德性., 在同学之间要想找出一位现他失交的人质在 难炭、上靑天。
若是助人为快乐之本是:正确拘话,那么 他该是乐无涯淡了,只要能力所及的,他都 可以毫无推托的犠牲可迁的时间,精神和体 力来为你効劳C迅位可敬可亲的他便就是本 级的杨登富同学。
高阔的前额就是他天资聪頼的标志,配 上他孜孜不倦的求学精神,所以历届考试总 成绩斐然•他曾任本级旅行团记者,因此在 旅途中他扮演了能者多劳的脚色,运动一们 和他是絶了缘,奇怪的他却箱健康的身雌I
「不为良相,菖为良师J,是他伟大的志 向•毕业后他决心为教育而敎育 >培养后一 代的国民,写到泣夹纸者诽祝福他如愿以偿 ,同时更希望他能够在敎育界发一灿烂的异 彩・ .宀
朱万德(】207 )
万德同学,是母校战前的老同学,战后 便捷足升入高二级就读,我懿识他也就从那 时阅始•
他有健全的身体,达观的态度:为人和 蔼可亲,故很得同学们的爱戴。
喜运动,校内的各项球类,无一不暁, 尤其是蓝球,其技艺•己达到炉火姉靑的地步 ,会被选为母校代表队之队员,本级之获得 历届蓝球冠军宝座,朱同学之功为最大!
于学业方面,成绩常不落人后,尤其髭 英文,很得老师和同学们的赞许,其程度之 优越由此可见一般。
罗添勋(1957 )
假如诸君不是一位健忘者的话,那么一 定熟禾ili位会参与极华由径选拔赛及最使观 众惊叹的他吧!
他姓罗名添动,出生住打巴,由于从小 就在严父慈母的谆哲下,误成了他不耻下问 和好学的精神;接物待人也彬彬有礼,不失 学者之风-
在运动方面»众君不愧是一位良将,在 功课方面,也很不错,尤其是英文一料更为 他的的特长,他曾担任本校英语辩论会的主 席'不级壁翻及毕栾刊的英文编嶙,
乐的 登谤巣新第潇鳄鹫 他麒
1音乐,摄影 旅行是他的嗜好,住往可 早在淸幽的花园,晴朗的海边坂到他的踪迹
瑚 ■扌二
港仔口、7\十三号 电话八人五信箱二四七
■- ?! - •
.J. ---
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~分期揭阳新亭墟市 -分厂潮.阳海门市
i 舞! 虞:
我们从现在起就停离开母校的博抱了,为了纪念矾年来师长们给瑰我们的敎诲,大家 都觉得有出版纪冬刊的必要。
, • •.
师艮们钳于我们的期望,使我们非常感激同时也非常惭愧,而各方面的热职襄助更是 本H得以顺利出版的主因,
同学作品方面采取中英对照制,以报导本级集体动态为主体,英文版之级史及兵乓因 为版此关系,可些少更动;至松同学素揩是按照学临的次序来编排的。
/ ■
j.〜d * V* •- ”.dd ♦
— ■' **"'«<« ■■ •■
. I
I . .
We ore now going to /却如 the bosom of our Ahna Mater^ In order to perpe* ( tuate the guidance which our teachers have given us. We feel that it is our duty to publish this "Souvenir Magazine" I
Being an inexperienced group of young men we would not be surprised if our magazine is on the dull si 如,moreover because of insufficient time there are bound to be many mistakes and errors. We humbly beg our readers9 pardon.
To our teachers we s^erely thank them for their felicitation and advice. To oil our benefactors we are 岫9 grateful towards the assistance they rendered
As far as the magaz ^ 代 concerned the theme of both sections is similar and is mainly about the activities of our class. Owing to lack of space the ar-: tides on 4*Ping Pong" fiOur Class" are slightly altered and our portraits ? are arranged according to our index number.
I In conclusion, we hoP^ that this magazine would be able to bridge the gaj^ amongst us and our readers.
48 一
-49 —

队 球 篮 级 本 之 座 宝 9 冠 年 三 联 蝉
一 W 一直 -
■ ■ I I ! !自结在击苇渐盛上后初在经枝 二赛队校兴渋是解。落们后渐不路及是。日全 飞比的离志学但刼习再成兴会滩酌以淇;0£九岸 >的散核郑可夕将九囲涸希的-一再现渐起初热铲曲匚 -i ..b__- -i1 U投口 ■•,除猛一全得,军比校是渐渐的的初果; 降在苗庄不之能紧全对学时的其杪<高诹戏生优中,战外,位是的感满冠四全其镜渐年m赛错们 投来勃入郁业不的。们同当余尤身•,冠归,出形月激更员几他上能自镖十 --- 件年浅重家事更何春学的,其,位学小塘晩球选无三的变味的,史是,合一-偷E似零....‘疗侧活夫起此位并湖等绛洼兰用m珈出七倒紬中申同篮m癞抻低'/\出电偷z夺冏围• »,, 新尤春方题51,•,,九费读队经贝津缴乃级年果从珈担将圈.•佩劝我也木湖, 日,后八,是民重一了攻球有二何邱瘦极同分,蓝-加的队篮朱为座点汰队 赛雨面苦但国繁为校篮较初,,瘦全是等的审>球乙的,宝一际联 前似四痛•国的,在甲学与安光高了校径们备甲篮三来增的们级生
的更律的的中何•,组前三同一树之高得 兴校,学例的如 甲战初位中符丘是夺 复学锥失前」程 年数,几高,,全竟 待一困M无失课 三少下等的生祥中们 急关的阴史病论。中了之蛟中光英任我 业机通光是亚不了初除件范的郑黄队, 各化交的说柬,展。,条徒疑如的然下 了文,去以厂复发级举的司琼超虽之 来的遗失可为恢地高此a,循将高,伸 带怖遗年,称间渐次加困任此健声弱精 黏恐的四度被期逐校参极渭加埸球示的 牺为途救程来的就全然各林参沙南甘声 福被计以功卷短勤忝,在潮同富也们练 骑而不,用其在溪级忙•锡。丰队我勖 调残亦诲的尤然项本繋识廖准验此而举 活摧,教们,虽各时的相,水蝇,然同 生意子的学忽,此当何不鵰本校甲,队 的任学师同轻局由。如各孑基金二望全 日被的良时所当,始课静林的名初希在 天曾就受当有校少开功学,球着是军是 无下四璐,动学驶赛顾同田蓝有次冠但 暗之学,丛运•,能环不成寿有拥其无。 年怖失斗书甜此不循5份林上,,决员 四恐巳校头能因决际趣都除得年贤们探 了色般中埋不。动级兴大,谈一 •球我的。岛 朿白_钟日决视运球的,手能中的,均座O 黠寇.。的整,漠,蓝勤外选不高大形下宝离白肖占W ,日长严免本再张校遗以的郡是高情低的驯理秀解全• 拠来物入师众不的°:们同当余尤身•:,冠打,出形月激更员几他上能自镖十,■尤先而去冠琼'我 件年浅重家事更何春学的,其,位学小塘纯球选无三的变味的,史是,合一-卷C陈学卽校循绿使 涤験哋闹大渥懐㈣许洞I--一:T“麻叽洞:±演诘承费僦佯I*何饷个毕球说俨说以年働饷阱,(姓状舗血
<••• 4—・“ Z .^1* U ■ I <1 I > i T3 ,」•‘ J4/ JJ 1■:• AI I ■ ■ J1J I 1J WV 1 I I .^1— < i -^J ■ <1 的其笋会时健其生四提回成验篮贤尧矮际八成各队四耍伍其队德级不敢循也四有百准上争次整去 : 匕!〜.::..........................• > • I .... 二有此新夺
高都应重丙 如,荣是三 ,艾且于初
准二二初腊大军我校宿 的,,队未亜,被 ,初高年答最冠.,全寄 队攀标各兴,了未 伍银为去门力赛做年的各退两他方弟去于 队一称了苏的环扣七咸赛后任其正兄下终 理中改加法队循的四新比先渭而旬氏论座 整高而增刚球,折九所•次之林,。陈鵰宝 级年甲且及篮时挫一学页此学,北等的再的 各去三并以二同受•同一加同檎妆队手能灵 祖 * >1^ 之 亠腾 生n 淄牝腿融够幡刚刑闻瞄臓新心优蜘咆娜够剳 赛三我员升因能由<百最合方老谊三代们一, 环成,队杨,,不知•*三上温"的吱初校我后 X三缓数W健甲
淘中的多元的三 际髙大大杨名初
t 球,刀要良中三 篮伍W主友埸中 的队就,本球高 "一^ 五 2^7,薪皿

尤局升三 放博十飙们的何=5.部四持 i丄二再成渐旋初热中在保
THE HISTORY MAKER — Our Basket-Ball Team
The capitulation of the Japanese Empire was also the termination of the reign of terror. Amidst the atmosphere of victory celebration the spirit of rehabHitation was gaining momontum. Especially schools, a sore in the eye to the Japanese oppressors shot up like mushrcoms everywhere. After four years oi mis-spent life a group of young men disregarding of difficulties in transport and hardships, congregated from far and near once more into the bosom of Chung Ling to make up for the losses they had sustained during the dark period. That was why during the initial stage of their post war school life it was very common to see all the st而ents,burying themselves deep in their studies. But health is the most essential in life. So naturally games must not be overlooked. During the short interval of our school's re-opening and inspite of the lessons and other activities, the school authorities never neglect in paying attention to games.
In the Spring of 194G our class was the second highest form, the Junior Middle IIIA. It was during that period that the games department of our school started the inter-c;ass basket-ball competition. Under this caption our class did not in the least hesitate in participating. Other than the boys who were in this school during the prewar days the rest were strangers towards each other. Under this trying circumstance our class basket-tail team was materialized,. The players with better experience were Lim Seow Them. L*m Chi Pang, Leow Sek Chow, Sihu Loong Chiow. The rest, as we say, were not up to the standard that was ijeedcd, and in that competition there were two formidable teams, the Senior Middle I and the Junior Middle II A, particularly the Se-nors with seasoned players like Teh Kong Seng, Fu Soo Aun and Ho Tin Guan. The other team au£o pcssassed good players like Wong Ying Seang, Khoo Chee Kong and Khoo Chi Chow. Looking at the situation, our chance of winning the championship is hcpeless, but we never slack in our practice and we never give up without a trial with our team of ske'eten lankies and diminutive shorties, abiding to the routine of training and bolstering the team work spirit, we ultimately snatched the laurel from their hands. !
In August, the same year, our school organized once more the second post war basket-ball competition. But this time was of a different nature. The school as a whole was divided into five divisions known as Seng Kew House, Keng Seng House, Seng- Lee House, Jit Kuan House and Kuet Cheow House. Every house has basket-ball, foot-.ballf badminton, ping pong and sports competitors. They were the cream from different classes, because cf this, our basket-ball team was automatically disorganized.
During March 1947 every class was cr ee more resuscitating their basket-ball teams to participate in the inter-class kncck-out competition. The present Senior Middle III and lhe Junor Middle II A teams were of the original Senior Middle I and the Junior Midd'e II A. But cur term which is rew krown as the Senior Middle II basket-ball team had undergone a treniendous change; a fevv of our former players had left school, but majority were still with us. But from Junior Middle III B came a few good players. They were Tan Chee Heng, Fong Ewe Leong, Yeoh Guan Poh, and Yeoh Sin Teik, and also Choo Wan Teik hailed from Sumatra. He was already a well-known player of odr schcct in 1941, co cur team was strengthened tremendously. It was also during that period that the team was at its zenith. But we never under estimate and ignore the Senior Middle III and Junior Middle III A, at the same time we never venture to dream of an easy victory in future competitions because we had been before defeated by both teams in friendly matches. For this reason we never dare to be conceited, and instead we practised with more regularity and d-stermination. The inter-aass knock-out competition cf that year saw cur team smash her way to victory again. Even the Boarders Team, sheeted from a mass of over three hundred boarders bowed to us by a narrow margin 6f twonty-feur to twenty-three, thus adding one of the most glorious events to the pages cf our basket-ball history.
In the spring of 1948, the third inter-class knock-out competition was once again organized, two good pTayers Lim Chee Pung and Fong Ewe Leong had left us, also amongst |us a few players were preparing for further studies the strength of our team naturally was declining, moreover, we sustained defeats in many of our friendly engagements. The Senior Middle II B (Junior Middle LDL A of last year)
•谁都不能否讽,乒乓在马来亚是最普遍的运动之一,学校当然不禽没有,就是各挥社: 团甚至娱乐埸所都有设置»平常的球类谑动如篮球,足球排球等都是年壮力强的才能玩, 且受到身粉的限制,若是说网球羽球等又不是平常人所能负担得起,于是强不为年龄,体 力,身杜所牵制而又最经济的建勤••…•际乓,就自然而然地大众化了 .
乒乓是男女老幼都适宜的运动,平常人壤有一种姑益,认为谄是小孩孑的玩意儿 算 不得迟勤:其实如果无通此谭没有见过第一流好手比骤,不容易明了牠的激烈的程度,不 容易备得其中的舆妙;若是正经地玩起那,只要五分镜就可以使你浒身大汗,并且,从来 溪有听过因为打乒乓过度而害什废病的,又不像篮足球那样时熟会演三本铁公鸡,所以对 身体比较弱的人可以说是最适合的逮动・.
许多人批评美国太标准化,从平常的阅读品至女子的装朿裁好像有一个标准,所以生 活太机械化,不够有意味;然而,爱好玩乒乓的我们却吃尽了没斋标准的牖,虽说我们打 球仅有短短几年的历史,但出埸总也肓姬十同了,各成球桌的畏短髙低都有独特的尺寸, 弹性也随遇而异,根本疫有两处是同样的,就以母校的那四张球桌而论 >高嘉低低,打惯 了追张不会打那张»怀不知如何.是好!战前最标准的球是Tenia,现在很少能见到,所以 Halex就取而代之了,但牠的轻重不很一致,重一点的一个抵两个匝的稍余,所以无谙打 惯了鼬的是重拘只要一掉换就无法施展身手了样准的球桌
高•“…二尺六寸 长……九尺 球网高六寸
阔……五尺 网架每端应突出六寸
初举者往往只能挡球,逐渐地能够杀球了 >但荫得对方有高球给他才行,再进一步就 会抽球和创球来应付了,推球和弥球则需要更深一层的工夫,还有截球,就是把来势很猛 的球在刚落枱跳起的时候菱不多成直筠地切下去,使球弹回对方的时候由于向自身(截球 者)剧烈旋转的缘故,受到空气的阻功,不会跳出抬外而予对方以杀球的机会而从网边就 下枱坦些都不是门外汉所能理解的;抽球是最基本的攻势■削探格最基本的守势,用者郡 需霎畏期的练习才能随心所欲,我们所価的不过是一些皮毛而己,决不敢夸言有所心得或 硏究热•
本缎对乒乓有兴趣的同学很多,所以在本年正月就集合了矿位志同道合的同学,以本 级为主离,成立了钟生乓乒队由荣亚英及伍铨英两位同举分任正副队如感觉到如果不多 和外界观摩,技艺和经验都不易有长足的进步,必华中学迎动皆便是一个最好的教训 > 当 时钟中之乒兵水平在陈君家声的指鲫之下,可以说耦凌任何中学之上,然而:因为球员很 少和外界接解 > 临场不知所措,表演失常以致败北;因此,我们就决定孙两星期和外队比 察一次,曾先后击败换城如联»靑华,瞽顽乙组,联友等队,仅畋于店联队;在眷假期间 '又组远征队前往吉打属'全队七人,本级占其四,卽黄金生,伍铨英,图鸥昌及荣业英 四位,结果共出战五场,全胜归来,为本级増添不少光荣。
上述四位同学俱为本年度校队队员,其中伍,黄、荣三位曾代表母校出席马华中学运动 会°在三月中旬本级乒乓队曾和素负威名之飞鹰乒丘队作友谊赛,结果六比一我方大胜; 本级在年假旅行时,曾先后和尊孔中学,农钟励志社以及明德校友队暴行友馆赛,成绩是 三戦三「北」,我们决不讳败,因为惟有失败才能成功,所以我们适次获全校级际淘汰赛 的冠军并不是偶然的。
able to smash provided the b all is coming towards him
__ _ * the ball over needs some practice and experience. The chop the.ballj>ver with the bat held at right angle to coming at a great force and is on the point to bounce.
Senior Middle I B and Junior Middle III C by then were very strong and still improving. Realising the plight we were facing when meeting the Junior Middle III C with the Tan Brothers, (school players), we organized once more for the impending m&et. Finally on the 29th of April, after a well contested game we defeated our adversary maintaining the prestige of being the champion team for three consecutive years, creating an unprecedented history in the school. '
The game of ping pong is most popular throughout Malaya and nobody will deny it Generally, games like badcetballv footbsdl, volley ball etc., are only suitable for the young and healthy people t As for tennis, the expenditure incurred upon bj the game is not easy to be borne up by、the man- in-the-street. Hence ping, pong has become popular because it is not restricted by the question of age, health, ' stature, and it is fdso quite economicaL
This game is suitable for.everylx)dy disregard of. age and sex.. As a(mattey.of
■ f fact, a novice" in this game can hardly coinprehend the excitemefit and thrills 、 unles s he has witnessed a match contended by seasoned players. To soak you through with perspiration, a flick of five minutes is enough, provided you play it m a serious mrniner. A blessing is that we- have never heard of sickness caused by exertion in this game. It is unlike other games, such as basketball and football
which often produce foul play. So, it should be most suitable for those who do
* not possess a healthy body. .
A novice in this game knows only how to return the baU when it is served. Gradually he learns and is able to smash provided the b all is coining towards him in a high position. Later, he further improves himself by driving or cuttingjt over. To push or to flick.......... _ 丄' J "
last and not the least is to the table when the ball is-------------------------- -
As a result the spinning of the ball will prevent the opponept ,,frQpa smashing. This skill is not easily understood by a bystander. The most fundamental skill when making an offensive drive is to drive the ball whereas on the contrary to cut is most essential. Bat both the skill require a long period of practice.
About ten years ago, the world ping pong champion who paid a visit to Malays was defeated by Mr. Loo Chin Soong of Singapore and it Was indeed a glory to the Chinese. At present there are many others who have attained his standard. Therefore, the standard of ping pong in Malaya as compared with other countries ^in the world is quite good. . ^_:.o
Many of our classmates take a great, interest..in^ping^pQng. In. January, 1948 .they formed a team named “Chung Seng Ping Pong Teamn with several others from the school. Yong Ah Ying became the captain with Wu Chuen Ying as vice captain. In the recent Malayan Chinese High Schools Sports, the defeat of the school team was a good lesson to us.盅 that time.the players were under the coaching of Ifr. Tan Kah Seng and thfey formed a formidable team. However, the team seldom arranged matches with outsiders and consequently they were: routed due to unsteadiness. So, in order to gain experience and improvement we decided to hold a match with outsiders once in every fortnight We are proud tc say that we won the 4<Khia Liang*; “Cheng Wah", “Chin Wan Bn, "Lian Yu”,teams. The only team we were defeated by was uThian Lian . During the Spring holidays, we organized a team consisted of four players from our class and made a tour to Kedah. They ~were Wong Kim-Seng, Wu Chuen Ying, Khong Ow Chong and Yongr Ah Yin: Their success has addeda glorious page in the history of our class bv winning all the five matches. . -.
亠 In the Malayan Chinese High Schools Sports, three of them namely Wu … Chuehi Ying; Yong Ah Ying, Wong Kim Seng represented the school. In a frwndly
match! in the middle of March, the "Flying Eagle" was trounced by us with a, - wide margin'of 6-1: In cur exciifsion round Malaya we played < against - tn^ “Chuen Khong Hijrh School” of Kuala Lumpur, “Seng Chong Li Chi Society of Malacca, and Ming Tech Old Boys” in three frienSly matches. As <4failure is the mother of success/* we therefore fear no defeat and a! so hope to emerge as :
. champions in the inter-class tournament, which we fin ally did achieve. I
.一.本级的.自宙墙报提发彳亍创』号到现在,巳经不止一年了,在这不算长也不.算短的一宅 '多当中,取们对于学校,毂于同举们-,•有参少贡献,自有公论,当然不必我们晓舌;现在, 正是我们行将离校,而正在编折毕业特刊拘时候,为了婴留一个永远的纪念起见,大家都• 世时把以往的作艳忧理一下的必要,葡也就是写本篇的动机・
: 母校复兴之后,校切有鉴于同学们尙未清除日寇遣毒,无论思想或者行动都不能建到、
:尽售盘美的地步;同时,为了理引起同季们观于写作尔兴趣,就鼓励全校各级创立墙报, ''而本级的宠报编辑裘冈备出就在卅天牟四月于应日成立了,当时选出了以下七位同举负酒 -。 主编:林孑鹏财液:林渭任,编辘:为树求 徐可邦 .,,,、;文春:;,•渺弯地;兴志兴'总务:郑江声
K " 定名为「自由」、,以发扬德育精神,嘛络同举感惜及促进为ft兴趣为宗旨,分辟德育' ,,文仓,新闻,:问答萼栏:后来又补选了吴脸栢和黄金生两位同学作编辑;在各位编委努•. ••力之下,创刊号就任五•月一日顺利地出版了 •..
虽然,由于主编缺席第致首先出版的名击被高中.一年枪去了,但材料的丰富,编琲的 麟以及字迹和技旅的邓一美观,却获得师长及同学们的一致称许;竞争是一种不甘示赣 街表现,也庙缝谴官尊&术一种行动,自从本级甲版之后,其他各级纷纷响应,一时风起 密涌,威说空前。..."
•在最初是旬科莅曾',同学们对于窝作而兴极相当嗽韵,每斯郡能按照规定的日孑出版 ,六月-HB了第四绘乏后,因为考试的关系,无形中停止了,假期之后,线委会改组, 新的负责人如下・
\ 丰伽.:黄金生况
4 ,"宙 '细: *
- J; t . *1.-
(中)荣理旧(其)虑奸仁 寸 物::陈志兴
(中隔鸥昌‘英)符树求 M番 杨元宝
停了一个多月,大众顚得甜璧机不大起劲了,以致延期而又延期,直到到八月一「纔: 出版第五期,同时.,因绿蒙到了L个意外的打击••覚编创作一一严先生被学校当局讽穷[ 不应该」而勒令取下,同尊们,尤其是编委更加感到灰心,所以在一季之中没有再出版过 亍直到十一月廿五日第六期才和大彖见面;当然这可以说是第二届编委的失败,但写稿旳 素任完全推任继辑身上以致作品不得不得变两三个人的包办品也有以促成之,而最大的原 囱是全髓编委都是毕业参观团的筹备委员r整天忙智开会,卖票,筹款等事情,没有充冷 的时间去办理• j
" ' . • (宀- . ^
味辱擀始案以来.,.编妾贪再度另选,由荣亚英任主编,黄金生,鄙刚昌,虑友仁,尊 ,添働四位同学分任中英丈缉蟀,应志兴 > 杨元宝,李盈文三位任文番财政符楹求,馨邸林 .华扬,三月一日出版第七尔',三月.十一日出版第八崩,内容侧重翻握及评述,尤以「小意 免」一拦可称为同学仑校方提拱意见之传声筒,讨检叔方措证的失当,并提出具体的建丑 谐求校方改善,有许多曾被辍方允诺照办,但最苛惜的是帮学校当设立一个意见箱来鹤取 舍校千子百同学您校方各黑措置的反轻透个建议落亍空,犹如海底捞针,杳无消息C
■" 寓九期在四月廿五0也版时,归动全彼,观众之多为前未有,通是*级数位娘好美术 鬲同学之结晶,'分水彩,铅笔,炭粉三种,共有士二幅之多;自本级出版「美术特辑」之 后”初中部育几班也陆绘出版图画精刊以作响应,母校虽余筮有美术课,但自我芷捂下了 .种子以后,我相信今后必能使同学们更加爱好美术。 .-...:
t CQ匕:'£:;',: *■,■•'■■ (I. — 54 —-
The Bulletin of Our Class "FREEDOM打
Eyer since 1( made Ita nial Jen appea: ance, ^Freedom", the bulletin of our class, has survived mor® timn a year, ro tue suticci. tu our ucnoolmates, it may have to scjne extent rendered yome bervice and assistance. Of course, there would be criticisms regarding it and we would not venture to exaggerate upon It. Tne puolication cf this Graduation Magazine serves as an eternal souvenir for our parting which will be not be long hence. So Is the motive of writing this article : and we feel it is necessary to have a review of cur past editions:
The school authority, after its re-opening Is aware that the behaviour and the conception of the students being affected by the corrupted reign of the Japanese have not reached the Ideal st^ge. In order to stir the students to take an achve part in writing articles 4t drives to encourage the various classes to take the Initiative in organizing their own bulletin news. So on 18th Apirl, 1947, an ^Editorial Committee Board'was formed w«th the following as Office— bearers:—
Chief Bditor: Mr. LLm Chi Pang. Assistant Bditor: Phu Soo Chlew. Assistant: Chi Khor Fang.
Cashier: Lhn
The bulletin was christened “Freedom". _
甲rve as a means to promote friendship, and to encourage article waiting. 即id still are divided as follows;— morality, literature^ newst questions ' and Later Goh Sung Peh and Wong Kim Sen were elected to assist in editing. Under the tireless efTort of the Editorial Board, finally the maiden publication came into light.
r to our chief editor's absence we were not able to claim to be the first to publish our
bulletin news and as a result, r was snatched away by the Senior Middle I. Nevertheless, the exuberance of the contents* the neat and orderly arrangement* and the exquisite manuscript of bulletin news won the applause of our teachers and schoolmates. Many of us know that in qny competition no one would like to show his own weakness and for the sake of self-respect, Many a class, have taken the opportunity to give response and put up their own edition At that time it was indeed magnificent; "
Primarily, we intended to publish once in every ten days. As the love for writing was fervent, our publication was regular. But since the fourth edition on 1st June it temporarily Coasodj to greet the readers with a new issue owing to the pressing work of ex&minatlon. When the holidays were over the Editorial Committee Board was reshuffled with the following to con> tinue the work:—
Chief Editor: Wong Kim Sen. Assistant Editor (English): Phu Sco Chiew.
Aasifitant Editor: Yong Ah Ying. Secretary: Tsing Fu Ti.
Assistant Editor: Khong Ow Chon ?. Secretary: Tan Chi Hing.
AsRlstant >Bditor (English): Loo Yew Yin. Secretary: Yeoh Guan Poh,
After a pause of one month, the taste for writing of everyone seem to decline, and the fifth edition was postponed to the 1st of August. Simultaneously the Editorial Commltee Board was struck by an unexpected blow. In one article, entitled "Mr. YenM was' ordered to take off from the board on which it was post nd by the school authority. The reanon was that the article was considered as "not written In the proper way as expected." We were rather disappointed and ln the i course of the term there wasn't any new edition. It was not until the 25th of November that It)greeted our readers again. The delay was due to the fact that the editor had to shoulder the responsibility of writing moat of the articles and the bulletin news seemed to be run by only two or three persons. Last of all and also the most important cauSe was that all of us being members of the Malayan Excursion Party, we were busy in making preparations: attending meetings, selling tickets, cnllecting money and so on. Thus our tIame was entirely occupied.
Since the beerinning of this term the Committee Board was again reshuffled with Yong Ah as Chief Editor. Wong Kim Sen, Khong Ow Chong, Loo Yew Yin, and Lo Tien Fun as Assistant Bditors. (English and Chinese inclusive). Tan CJhi Hen^_ Lee Tat Boon and Yeoh Uuan Poh became Secretaries, i^hu Spo Chiew was the Cashier and Lim Wah Yanjr in charge of ffoneral aiTairs. Then the seventh edition came out on 1st of February and the eighth edition on "th of March. This time we inclined more to translation. Besides there is a column fo^ voicing our opinion. Thia column serves as a medium for our clussmates to express thMr views regarding the defects of the school nnd provido them to make constructive ^>vopO0&S;' Consenuentlv manv r request have been taken into consideration But the urcmosa】节cue词nb the school should instal a box in which one thouannd and threte hundred studentn of the school could 8end in their opinions r»<?ardiner the of various neglected affairs of the school was not Accepted, and thence no news was hdard about ft.
ninth edition waa pubitphe^ nn 25th Anril. and it Indeed stirred ud the curiosity of Htudents because it was the of Its kind which has ever been put up for display. Several classmates who have a.tpstc in art tainted about twelve nnules of paintings and drawings with wat@ colour, oencil. and- carbon nennil. Followinor thin f<Soecial Artistic Bdttion.'* response was Even by stndentA in the Junior Section bv oroduciner their own paintings. Henceforth, though our Alprn Mater is in need of g art class, we believe that this will inspire pth^r qchooIinateQ wHh in
Secretary: Tsmg Fu Ti. Secretary: Tan Chi Hing. General Affairs Manager: Teh Kang Seng.
Wei Gan.
Its aim was to cultivate the spirit of xnonillty, to * The contents were answers and so on.

g SB
在高中将毕槩狗我们'为谓要获些实际的智撇,而同心一致,决定于去年年假期间, 浓歴南旳一带。因此我们的毕业班参观团筹备会就在去年七月卅日成立了'镜全级同举公 暴吴栋拍同学为筹备宣的圭席'及其他十二名的委员 >并恭诮管震民林锡仪两位是师为顾 问。
经济瞒行的先决条件,无钱万事皆休,我们毎月所要缴纳的叩什费,巳戚不易虑付 ,那羸再金出一大祗的旅费来呢?因此任八月四日第一次舞备委员会上,我们蚁决了三项 方式来篝集鳏费,诮王董事长景成先生报効一埸电影•本校策事以及sit侩上熟心人士慷慨 备航 同学方面,为了要使一般家庭经济较为拮据者'也能享受权利'不致困于经济而不 第随行,我们用1挥储蓄的方法来补救,每位同学每天节省一岗钱的零用费储湾起来°
王景成先生是棋城1位忙人'因此我们会拜访了七八次才得会见'他鳄人慷慨'钳华 储澈育帰热心、所以在我们见面的那一夭早上,他槪然的答应了我们的鞘求,S3给我们1 种鼓励,一挞信心,虽然我们走了不少的路,流了许多汗,我们的内忑是欣慰的,愉快的 :富们深深的感谢王董事长的热忱'和划我们的爱议。
3了皙影不能卽刻演出»我们开婚行进辱二项工作•请萤事们捐助'擅是一件十分麻 嬢和棘手苗事,一方面因为董事们各居-方,而我们又须照常上课,所有的事务,只能在 课踪逾行,我们骑看铁埒家奔西走,不知碰过多少钉孑,受了多少冷眼。
经过了一时的冷淡,一般热心的筹委们又活跚起来了因为彳•承球先生窦助我们一百 孑,跟者李月権先生,金联成负限公司'陈正直先生'醉锦亮先生'也各捐助五十元'梁 合签先生捐助二十元< 尙未收讫)王振培先生和简通行各捐十元 以上诸位热心家妗我们 经济上的资助,使仪明万二分的威激•
'* 在十月上旬,承大华戏院游理先生的见许,王董事畏报効的屈影可任该冃内公演,于 是,我们使积陲的鸾备有电影的演出'忙总印票'分配工作人员'及计制宝票方式'以斯 当瞰优满的成维,办事能力薄弱旳我们终日提心吊胆荷,唯恐收入的成钺会不满人意' :证簿委们不拆不挽的努力下电影终于十月廿日公演'追足证明K»储就是力嚣我们的收 X竟星破一千二百元的大关谊事的成功,我们不得不酣滥诸位同学的欢俄赞助,社会人士 的慷慨解膜.
在当时与我们同样的方式去筹备旅费的,育福建女校初中第三届毕业班的同学'为了 成蜷不能达到理想的数目 ,有邀诮我们联合彖办一个音乐会的意思'于是经过双方代表的 磋话后,我们决定福合起来主办T®歌藤会'仙售票收入平分作为参观团的经费*第二天 _十月升一日就顺利的成立了一个十七人的联合筹备会,设主席二入,中英文番各一人 ,时政一人,査账_人,票务.入,节目二人,保管二人,招待一人,宜偃二人,布器二 人,剳察一人。主牵,节目,宣传双方咨一人,文番,财政,保管及侧察曲本级同学担隹 ,其余两为女同筝,本级共占九人
这是一攻大胆的冒险,从成立到演出'(十月二十一日至"一月九日)只有两个多星 覇的时间脏备,在挚校卞准妨凝功课的原则下'虽育辞荔其他的困虽'就靠我们逍一翠会 无懈事经验fii育年*-的克服,峑凭的是勇气'热情与团结'赤手空整的完成了S3不平 兀的任务«
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The Procedure
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. Very soon our - high school days would be over. In oredr to gain some first hand knowledge df this country we decided to utilise the Christmas Holidays for a* Southern Malayan Excursion. 80, on the 30th of July last year an excursion committee of thirteen members was elected by the class with Goh Sung Pak as president. Mr. Um Salk Ohee and Mr. Kuan Chin <Ming were invited to be our advisers^
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Funds was- the foremost problem to be settled since we are all ciependents. On the 8th August the committee called for the first meeting. During the meeting three propositions of obtaining funds were accepted: Approach Mr. Ong Kjng Seng for a cinema show, apt)roich the school committees and general; public for donations. At that time. we started a saving campaign* and every member -of tbe class was to save ten cents daily. l
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Mr. Ong belnef a busy and liberal man, so it was after seven or eight visits xthat we finally met him in person. Due to his generosi^ he immediately granted vs the favour. We. were very . grateful and thankful towards him.
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Because the cinema could not be immediately screaied, so we proceeded with our second step of work. This kind of activity was really embarrassing, moreover the schoofcommlttees »re staying' in different places and the woik could only be done after schooF Hours. With bicycles'we went about carrying out our duty meeting with much disappointment* . "
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MOnce beaten twice shy" nude us very disheartened and* many cf us had slackened greatly in 嬴 enthusiasm. Somehow or rather a few of our boys managed to secure a doantlbn of a hundred dollars from the generous Mr. Saw Seng Kew that' spurred us again. FoJowlng * this Mr. Lee itiiet Cheow, Kim Bian Seng & Co” Mr. Tan Chin *nt and Mr. Khaw Khlm Leong contributed fifty dollars each/ also Mr. Neoh Chit' Kuan's promise of twenty dollars (not re reived). Mr. Ong Chin Pooo and Mr, Kebw "tong Hung each donated ten dollars. To our benefactor we sincerely thank them ftom the bottom of our hearts.
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During the middle of October/with the consent 6f Majestic Theatre's Manager/ the show granted to us by Mr. Ong Keng Seng was. then able to be put on the screen: That made us very busy with the tickets, furthermore we were raw recruits in that line, natunlly the Job made us very disconcerted. We were always in fear that we would not be able to collect the sum we expected On 20th October, the show was flnaby screened. This proved to us that “Union is Strength" for our collection :cleared the thousand mark>by well over two hundred dollars. We pay our ' nspects 叫d thanks I to our classmates their co-operation- at the same time to the senral public who had indde
the show activity a succe^.
Here, one- stage of the committee's Job hM come to a temporary end.

f , OlJF contemporaries who were also raising funds for their excursion were studente of the Fukien P^2£JBch<?)1 半1101* Graduation Class. In order- to/swell up their collections and ours as ,^weU. they invited us to stage a musical concert togetber,-,.After a few meetings by representatives from l both class* 2,三卵 finely agreed to co-operate on the coridition that we share equally all the funds' coEected on tq夹 occasion. October 21st was lhe dete that a seventeen officials combined committee was set up with our classmates occupying nine seats out of the total seventeen. . '
“激醴t0!引1***£ I呼 was only twenty days away from the opening date but we never* falter 5? t^Lat5Y?ntur0U8 enterprise. On the other hand we were a batch of tene'drfoots arid
衅器嚣比 V ca^ed on. OyercomlnB every obstacle with our dashing, fervent, and 噂曜%旨:当奋U很跚 an extraordinary project. To be more chivalrous, all oUr meet-
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联宜蕙备会成立后就盼上酣始工作 >为了吨到女同学方面的便利赴见,每—次会议都 在中路福建女校暴行。工作经过的大槪情形是堕样: 厶*争一专弯枣会议'于廿一日下午暴行'主席是本级的林湾任同学,首先介绍双方各股 拿贵人,继讨论,通过联合会的简章:定票价为五,三,一元三挥,制印,屯席负责借戏 院;出脖刊;及筹备经费(各先支出-百元)等事项。 王时f戏
収m枣二咨在枣'廿七贝下午翳行•(追时林同学因健康关系, •坚持难职,由我方舞粪畲 选黄传昌同偻■接任主席»而其原职财政则由林辩扬同学接任•)此次议决案是女同学们 负责借蝌辇;鲁票方式则保留在纳税工作完成后再讨论;宣传股鄙四岛同学报告出版特刊 的计出及双方负责的字数;筹备委员摄影等・
.岩票纳段事宜'本定主席负责3因得黄金生同学及其令兄(在财政部服务)的帮助, 很快就办理淸垫,因时间紧迫,廿九日下午特召开临时戏议讨论售票方洼。开会时女同宁 们坚决她们全号大食议决案不联合出发售票的要求,为的是怡流言惹事。为了防止会务进行 的搁浅起见,终千决定将售票范围分为两区,每区各有十三条街道,双方各自出按售票。
联合筹备金成立不上十天,开会已三次,可谓闲会怙,然而因时间的迫促,豌许多亟 须朋畲讨馈的问题,不得不如此.X値雨季,住处较远的同学.更增加不少麻烦,每次开 会,都是当天上午以电喂通知?下午开会。幸而各部工作都渐有头绪。
节目方面,是最重要的一部份。节目股偷责人黄金生及邱宝蕙同学,俺日下午.均忙 于指点歌舞'排演笑刺,及练习歌唱等节目,工作懿魄,情形紧张,并且请到蚂来亚著名 '的手提风琴家David Ag先生及伊打名手Albert Yeoh先生来客串•其中虽也曾谒到了物质 的困雕 >但绽因黄邱两同学的努力,和其他同学的合作协助而完全解决了, 了宜磁股观叫昌同学,不断地在校闻h,报蛾上,报尊韩合会的动态,宣传并介绍歌舞 会节目,办理大会特刊。归同学且与报馆,中国万征剧衽,中靑歌剧团等血靑来往'不略 劳苦 >不计较工作范围,偕同主席一同前往接洽借舞台布幕,纸灯,道具等,又请到凿鱼 木先生到埸指琅布景 >灯光等的装置管理,使演出更精彩o
各项IE作的进行确是紧张而费力,尤其是出人意外的女校当局不肯借钢击,理由品怕 损坏了• I维然萤备会答应如捐顼了颠负责修理)学生演戏,学校不肯借钢琴,米免是笑 话,女同学受节方的嘱托,再三据理力争,还是不得要领,道一来眞焦急,幸而在上演的 前两天,才由本段叶安顺同学答应借用,如若没愕钢琴,歌舞会是演不成了 O
0孑一天-天的谊近*警察缠监忽来了一封要我们杷节目及剧本逐--翻让成英文的信 ,大家饰揑了一把汗,当卽由英文文褂虑友仁同学及节目股合同翻让呈报,幸亏立刻就批 准了,否拓就非展期不可。
上演的前两天---b 0下午,开最后一次的筹备会谶,讨论九日工作的要点,各股「
作都巳准备妥当,典奋而快慰,议决案逼舞台的如何装置,印刷节目单及単备显劳的察4 ,其时,售票的成缄,亦已超过了非正式的预算,虽然曾受到了范围的限制C 7
八日是星期六 > 下午本级同学在保管股也铨英及林齐田两同学的领舟下,开始般谭锢 辇,布幕,虫废,道具等衅多应用的东西到中山戏院去 >怡逢下雨,增加不少的麻鬲,5 困不能妨凝戏院的营业,等到夜十一时饱电影散埸后才开始舞台的布置工作,直到深夜; 幸而同学们都深明本身的实任兴义务'踊跃到埸工作,没有一句怨言..
:-■将刊也于当B的光华跟及第四十二号的校闻出版• ,”.
十一月九日,是我们不能忘记的日子。歌舞尙开幕时间塁上午九时,道不是理粗的时 蔺,佢同学及观众蜃是非常的踊跃,at专馆也侑代里,此外还有老师们及报馆记膏,大* 准时开始,女同事们的歌舞偈女的合唱,本级的笑剧均博得掌声不少。尤其是David Ng. Albert Yeoh两先生的手提风苯及伊打•曾徇观众之请求加演两三个节目。本校的曾姑歯 队、由蔡伯龙先生指挥,到埸演奏世界名曲,•生色不少,各工作大员见到自巳辛苦泰璧需 收谪A•威到无限的快乐,我们的流汗灾奔走 总算没有白费。
In the afternoon of October 21st, with Lim Wei Gan in the chair the first official meeting was called to discuss about the initial procedural It was also during that meeting the committs* made their ccqualntances with one another. The highlights of that meeting were the sanctioning cf rules and ^regulations, the prices of tickets, the making of a chop of the committee, the publication cf a souvenir magazine for that Occasion and the financial problem.
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Clustering together In the afternoon of 27th October, we held the second meeting. Obviously missing was our former persident, (he had resigned on account of ill-health) we were compelled to nominate a new president. Ng ^Teik Chiang (former Cashier) was unanimously chosen and Lim Wah Yang as Cashier. During that meetixig Khong Ow Chong of the Propaganda Department let loose his plan about the publication of the souvenir magazine which was received with much approval. It was also agreed that a group photograph should be taken,
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The president was very thankful towards Mr. Wong of the Treasury for his valuable assistance about the tickets. During the impromptu meeting held on .the 29th of October to discuss the selling of tickets, the girls were adamant in the resolution in refusing to go out together to sell- tickets. To amend this defect we were ultimately compelled to divide the town Into two zones, each zone comaprising thirteen streets, and each party was to cover the thirteen streets in each zone. ITius the Problem was settled. ( ;='
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Within ten days of the comittee's inauguration three meetings were already held, because of ths short interval and the various unforeseen problems which need impromptu discussion we we c forced to carry on in that manner. Henceforth all our meetings were carried out in th? manner of In-fonning the girls by phone in the morning and having the meetings held In the evening. StesdUy the concert proceedings were systematised.
Th® most important problem of our organization. was the programme. . Almost everyday after school hours, Wong Kim Sen and Miss Khoo Poh Wcot wruld be seen restlessly directing th2 dances, choir, and the comedies. At ths same time Mr. David Ng the famous Piano>acccrdion palyer and Mr,-Albart Yeoh the well-known guitar soloist had vouchsafed to assist us In ths concert. In spit? of ttie material shortage the programme was successfully Installed under the directcrship of Wong and Khg; and simultaneously with the co-operation of both classes.
Khong Ow Chong of the Propaganda Section was at that time continually making reports of our progress in the School Weekly Newspaper and at th? came time tn the local Chinese Dallies. Khcng, who is very familiar with Newspaper concern, the Lone Live China Dramatic Society, and China Youth Party, never rel ixes in his activities. Together with the president they negotiated lor loan of the stage accessories end even invited Mr. Ycap T:ei Bok to Instruct us in the stage decoration.
The work of every departmsnt though tiresome was very excltln?, but of all things there was unexpected surprise—the Girls' School Authorities Tefiued to lend the- girls their school piano for tlf乎 concert. But we were very fortunate, two days before the opening date we managed to secure a piano from our school-mate Yeap Aun Soon.
The opening day was drawing nearer day by day. Unexpectedly we received a letter from the Police Department informing us to translate the prograhune into English which we sent them a few days before for permission to st'ge the concert. This Immediately put us Into a tight spot. The programme department and the Secretary of ^the English Ssction were at once asked to c(M>p&rat° and the i job was accomplished acco ding to schedule. . '
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Two days before the actual date, that was Nov. the 7tht the committee 匕eld its last end final meeting. The work assigned to ell departments was very well carried out. ip tfiat meeting the act.vities that were to be done cn the concert day were fully discuss :d and dealt with,
Wu Chuan Ying and Lim Se-.w Thean together with a few of our claesmates were very busy in bring-ing the piano, curtain, spotlight, ?nd other necessities to the Sun Cinema in the afternoon, of Npvem-ber tne 8th. In order not to be tn the way of the management of the cinema, the job of putting up the stage could only be stared after 11 pm. In spite of that the boys waited and completed their work. Thus showing their reliability and altruistic spirit.
November the 9th will be an unforgettable date to us. The concert was scheduled to start at 9 sharp. No dcubt that the time was. very Inappropriate but the crowd was very encouraging.* 净 9 a.m. sharp the curtain was raised. The musical dances performed by the girls,, the auartet, the comedies were warmly applauded. Especially Mr. David Ng and Mr. Albert Yeoh: they \i%re |r«et®d with encores after eve.ry performance. Our schco) orchestra under the baton of Mr: Chye Pak Song,rendered many classical pieces. 1 &
........................."'财 -一风一 -. •• ••• - •-; "
十六a上午,(F丹绒武雅海滨开黠处会畿,橙讨工作情形,报告账目及诘东联合筹备 侩的!•作,散会后带由本级参观团准备午餐招待她们。在和谐融合的散笑声中,毫无拘京 地大嚼一顿同学们自巳料理的念物,饱餐后又来许多余兴,歌唱慎笑剧,4- >'忘记了半月 来工作的辛苦与疲劳,直到午后才尽欢术散o
L我们深深地觉得欣慰,因为在沌麻,俾谐样的男女同塁联合行动,是破夭荒荐一次, 亩于逸一攻的成功,证明破们并不是散漫的一笔,一样的,我们的办事能力,也可従中窥 见一班,(虽然我们是第-次办事,而且时间又是那么短促)但我们决下引以自傲,并且 希望同学们在此后能多多发挥合作的精神,以产生团结的力毋。
縄过了姬月的奔走,旅行的经费总算勉强凑足了,于是在去年十二月九日的淸农,我 们开始踏上一千七百多英里的征程。'
那一天早f,天空中下着霏霏的细雨;从水面上吹来的海风,也榕外潜了寒意 项ia 些部不足'以;尧凉我们火热地兴奋地情绪'的万一。为了恐怕蝗不上陇伍,七府前•就有不少的 同笔冒齐脚雨先到码头等箧。好容易址软到七时半,等团长站过名后,便携日简单的行李 ■,迅晔地踏上了渡船,同贩的措客都不细无同的,以惊异的眼光,凝隗昔我们谊一案穿昔 洁白的制服的靑年学生。从流露在他们脸上的神色,似乎在美慕我们,而我们也微笑地回 视曾他们.
跟在一阵「为窭」和水声后面,船商渐地离开了码头,向费瞭胧的斟屋驶去, 重成起在船头的白沬,带的我们许多美离的幻影,每一个同学的脸上 >都笑容可掬地遥望 着若呓若现的对摩,当偶然回首再看搐岛时•那突在我们眼前的升旗山,巳由青而紫了 C
亩于等唉吕一复渡船的离岸,我们理至将近九时始抵新桥码头,承蒙检查员的优待, 未缠检奁就跑出了斗口,旅行团预先租好的巴士车早巳霁太平驶到,为了节省时间,在短 促的十五分钻内,我们便取滞鹿向吉隆坡驶去。
:从新棉出帘,1路上所见的尽是平疽的稻田'肥沃依胶园和高出云霉的揶林,彳过有 .时也偶彼可以着到菠夭药林木,成丛的荆棘,而太平过后,却又添了许多峭曦的岩石和倒 职肓如利刃的石壁。兴奋故我们,忘却了旅途狗幸苦,尽僵地欣赏酋两旁如夜的美景,同 时也张开了喉营,高声断唱持我们所憧得的歌曲•
吉 降 坡
路来饪嗷诊呼,及不惜畏途旅行的我们,在怡吉的途中,巳渐感觉到疲乏了,伺况 当说们柢达吉隆坡畤,巳是晚上九时了!但星矾了一桶好奇心,我们不管怎样的疲乏成辛 苦,在吃过晩饭的十一时后,岂结队驱车到澹声场去。
▼ 者降坡是南北的中心,又是路来半岛锡矿饶富的地方,浙以商业的繁盛除了新嘉坡外 ,恐怕就要篥它了•据说五十年前迈里还是一个荒芜的地方,后来经过粤简叶来带了一队 华工的开飕,才有今曰成篇马来亚内地唯一的大都市•
吉隆坡莆一醒人耳目的,便是那宏伟奇镜的车站,択更诂占地面约有半方里,站中的 鲤道不单宽阔 > 而且异常的整洁,不愧爵柬南亚最宏丽伯车站•
此外如风闻全马的黑风洞;百花争瞻的花面等,都是我们必您的去处,而最可惜的就 是惮物馆,除了一堆服僦和残胳外,往日千辛万苦收跃拘标木,古代帝王的遗物以及评参 富有历史性的磁器,卑币,刀枪多己炸碎醐•
.农学院在吉隆璇可算是最完薛的一间举院•不猥校舍当皇,限景处美,同时38育布二 千余英亩的农场,埸中除了供岭学生实验的空地外,偏植了棕撤,橡胶,椰孑,茶叶,以 及木地各种的土产,最使我们惊奇的,却是负笈iS襄的学孑只寥寥无几,通足以证明世人 «fi灌视名利,而轻视了「颇以为生」的农业。在参观工业学筏的过程中,蒙该校校罢热划 的欢迎,及不辞麻烦,亲自解释各项机器的构造和用途。•我们逗留在那里的时间,虽然很
Due to the numerous encores the concert ended very late. By then the majority of the players .pad already left for - the Hui Aun - Association io -attend- to our social party' given in honour of four* -guests. Following this was another social* party -fot students 'of* tx)th cl&sess. ' -
In the. moming of 16th hfovember, attended by students of* both clasessf^we held a general meet-ing at Tanjong Bunga,h for the winding uj3 procedure. After this our class; acted as host by catering for the gathering. Ainfdst laughter and dmity' wc lingered up till late in the afternoon, thus forgetting the hard times we had hid In the past fortnight. .
■ Deep in bur hearts we could not help feeling^happy. Tor in the.north of this country the act!-** vlties we experienced were the first of its kind. Through this success we- proved that .we are not a bunch of good for nothings, the work we had- done would justify But we ere not egoistic and hope' our classmates henceforth will never hesitate to cherish the spirit they have shown.
分” the Joitrri亩.
L %• ... J}」';.

Passing thro唳h a period of a few months of restless activities, thus enaliling us to raise just sufficient Tunds our excursion, in the morning of 9th Noviembpr, 1947, we embarked upon a journey of well over a thousand and seven hundred miles. : .
':i 、,戋 j'; -;
On the morning of that da; the aky was,filled with a light ^rlszle and the breeze that blew from .tlieaea seemed to be extraordinarily chilly. But that wlia* ridt sufficient to cool down our * w亨叫、取cited spirit t Disregarding the weather many of the boys had arrived at the pier :already. At 7.30 after the roll call everyone of us with our simple luggages boarded '* the ferry energetically. Simultaneously passengera in the same launch occassibnly turned their envious glance upon us. As-for us, we reciprocated w|t^ smiles faces. -. *
Following the throbbing of motors and the thrashing ofc wpwea. the boat slowly left the pier heading towards the distant shore, belching endlessly wftfi "SSn from her* bow and brlnidnfr conutless beautify! illusions. The smiling faces of us cpuld not betray the apeculative ^ook in our eyes as we looked across the dark water towards the distant shore. Unintentionally whon we turn our eyes towards the Island, Penang Hill had that time changed from ereen to pale purple already. 6
- ' ,:’ ./ - 1 出..盘
; While waiting for another boat to leave-the pier we finally landed on the othe^sthfr o^'tho -channel at about 9 a.m. Through negotiufibn we wore very thankful that the custa^v officers 吁an乎1 us the special previlage in not checking our lugguagea. The bud that we chaA^red had : ?lr^dy arrived from Taipmg. in order to save time, within fifteen minutes, we wore on i tne road to '■KUala Lumpur. . ?
;Starting Tram Butterworth, it waa a common sight ior ua^Q^erved flat j)adi fields, fer-Ple PJPb®r eatatea, ana symmetrical cocoanut plantatiohs1 ;along the route, bu器 A\)ccaslonallv 您部d 咙 dense foresta couid also be seen. After IJaipdg added to t牒赭灶牌 landscape. We were very hi^h spirited and seemed to have, fqrgotten the weaninete of - that tiresome journey by absorbing the running scenery and at thaJp aame time sindne all the aonmi「 we know. 入曳 * ***bM»b uie aongu
to tUe 砒rain of singing and the journey, feelinfc dea^ tired, we arrived LumT
p吁 at 9 p.m・ We were inspired by excitement. Inapite of the lateness after dinner 奸 adjourned to the amusement park. .. 亍 .
Jmnpur occupies the central'piont of the peninsula. Simultaneously it is situated in Uie rich mining area of the Malayan Federation. That Is why Jts commerce is said to be second -wsingapo^. Accordvigitq atory fifty years ago'Kuala Lumpur was still a forest..A Chinese XeaP My brought a batch* bf Xniineao labourers to open up this place. Otherwise*thii prosperous town would not have existed.
In Kuala Lumpur, the chief attraction is the railway station/ It, occupies an area of 力気 a square mile with big and spacious tunnels and also It -Js very cicanl^ kept. It re^fiy: -ii^^eps' • g prestige of being the biggest and the most Impressive railway 自嗓[g i%域uth幕逾感轼牛;q
短促,但是对各项的机器都有相当的明白。以上两间学院都设立在郊外,经费多由政府贞 担。
至于华侨敎育方面,比较有名的有尊孔和坤成两校,虽然前者祗收男生,后者专收女 生,但是彼此有希良好的联络,一向被人们视为兄妹学校此外还有中华中学男女生兼牧
在吉隆坡的两日三夜中,除了参观学校,游览名胜外,最値得我们回忆的,要算是参 衬自致宦话局了,在那里我们得到了许多在学校的实验室中不能够得到的见识•此外,由 于夜间没有正式的参观,所以对游艺场,尤其是歌台,更有特别的认撤•
新 嘉 坡
徘徊任西山的薄日,已渐渐地模糊了,横在眼前的靑山,也跟着0色而紫了,从幽美 的柔佛路穿出拘车孑,途时已到了柔佛的右府'新山的市场 >奔驰了整天的我们,多巳疯 到疲乏不堪,但兴奋的情绪却依旧从睡眠不足的脸上流露出来•
「新嘉坡桥」这好像在旱热的沙漠中的旅人看见水潭一样,我们大家都不约而同地站 了起来,伸长啲孑 凝视看这曾被人描写得天花乱压,所谓渣是诗意整境的胜地.
瘦长的堤,好像一把锋利的剑把新嘉坡海峡切为束西两边 ) 而把州孤岛连上大陆。其 实堤上的风景,能不怎样的勤人,所令我们兴奋的,我想还是新嘉坡在望的原因罢。
为应同学们的要求,车孑的速度放慢了,两傍的风景尽在我们眼前溜过,新嘉坡岛模 格的影子,现在越来越淸洁地摆在我们眼前了 C
「新嘉坡」我们那情不自禁地高唤了几声,接着「中华儿女」]同学们」等雄如拘歌 声,也从我们动摇看的车厢里播出到新嘉坡市中心去的路上•须时每i个同学都忘却了疲 乏,满面笑容地踏上这雄龙远翌:紧扼住东西交通;马来亚第一大都市一新嘉坡°
踏进了新嘉坡市区的第一个早屡,我们所留下最深的印象,便是邪川流不恩的出租汽 车;臭气冲天的垃圾,和如毛似草的盗贼,其次如潇悬万国旗的小巷,骯排破旧的房屋’ 都是令人难以忘记的,同时也不是宏伟富丽的国泰大厦'广阔淸洁的罗滨逊路所能--一遮 蔽商•
但是当你跑出市埸,到了「加东」的C!宅区时。你会觉得你进到另一个天地'代替邪 些破旧的房屋的,是一座座精巧玲珑的洋房;代替那臭气冲天的垃圾,是一片片软如丝绵 的草蚱和五,疯六色的花草・
我们停留在新嘉坡的时间,推痂只不过四日五夜,但所跑过的路'.见到的事物,恐 就是一大部份长居该处的人,也没有到过.见过的•
在参观敎育浓关方面,最令我们认为点价値的,要算是:爱德华七旺医学院了 '在那驻 我们得到许多医学上的见识,如各样可怕的病尔'各挥检査器官的仪器'生物的标本'显 微镜里的病值,甚至浸在蕖水池中的死尸,无不一-遥日'这些不但都是不容易看得见的 东西,而且还跋该院各部的负责人详细的解释,眞使我 们感激万分。
其次是莱佛士学院,院中一部份的设备,如仪器, 图书多于沦陷时期失落,而目前正努力求恢复中,该院 建筑于小山坡上,风景幽美,很适合读书,伦敎方面, 如华伦,南洋,中正,中华等,都是设备相当完善的中 学,
游览名胜古迹,是旅行者少不得的事情'我们,这次 旣到新嘉坡,当然亦是一样地跑偏了新嘉坡著名的街道 和名胜,如林木仆翠,花草鲜妍的植物园;古色古香的 虎豹别墅;寛关的中华游泳池:渣布船艇的红灯码头, 洋行林立的罗液逊路,以及富有历史性的图书馆,博物
馆无不到过。 新加坡红灯码头*
The Batu Caves and the Botanical Garden are. places of interest that should be visited. It is very lamentable that the museum with its One collections wercdcaaoyed during the war.
the Agricultural College is the formost coi.cge in Selnngor Nel only it has magnificent bu.ldings and beautiful scenery but an area covering aoove two thousanu acres. Oil palms, rubber trees, cccoanut palms, tea plants and many otlier local plants cever this vast area. The .mejjt nurprising cf all is that in mis spacious college there are only a hanaiul cf students. Ecm this we come to the conciutiion that men are vain for they di sp:se this prcfes3.cn wh ci: is so vital fcr ti.c survival cf man Kind. When we visited the Trade School we were shown around
by H;, wno \.-s very cnliging and hospitable. He personally explained to aJcut
the various machineries, inspite 01 our snort stay we were able to understand surlicicntly the
various machani&n^.s he had explained. Beth these colleges arc Situated m the suburb of the
town and are under the Government.
f C°n亨吧牌」?。education cf U:e Chinese of this town, the most famous schools are the Con-£uc.i,s. Middle Sehg and the Kho.n Seng G.rl School. No aoubt that one :s a boy school and 挣e 屮亨;s a girl schcci but they are closely connected. Secona to these they have the Chung Hwa Middle School which practises cc-education. b
Staying in this town fcr two clays and three nights, other than visiting schools and places of lntercst WG Ws。visaed the automatic telephcnc exchange which i -ally deserves a thought in our reccllection. Firm that establishment we derived a lot of knowledge which we otherwise could net obtain from school laboratories.
Lingering atop the western range the sun l:ad by th;3 time weaken greatly in its radiance.
The distant hills were serenely preparing themselves fcr their slumber. From the silent seas.de • .. . . _ . .....J chore Bahru. We that had travelled the whole day
the sigz:iGcance of eajer-
road emerged the bus into th o capital...'' 二二___________-二、、
by that time were tired out, but rainted on cur sleepless faces were ness.
“Jchore CausewayM l:kc water tc travellers in the desert made us stood necks looking hungrily at it, wheg splendour 2nd beauty have been depicted much people.
up with craned and narrated by
Tpc slccl: embankment so . med to be a slender sword dividing the channel intc east and west chaining an island to a big land .*r:ass. In reality the scenery of the embankment is very cr-dinnry・ The thing that kept us awoke w赋 the city ahead, 4*S 1 gapore.M
Due to tko request cf the beys
[he speed o; the bus v/a:; greatly reduced bccauce we would pat like to miss anything. Tne blurred profile of 'Singapore Is-iand steadily loomed itself to clearness.
"Singapore CltyM seemed to b? a prayer was on ths lips of everyone of us following this sengs burst forth once again to be drowned amidst the populace cf tae city. All of us once again felt happy and gay.
First morning in the city and ths flrst impression was the couiHless number cf taxis, the smelly odour from the sawage and refuge, the myraid flags in the bye lanes and th? dark low “oiiscs. These pictures were sufficient to make a pors:n rcmcm-bcr. Evej the siendcur of Cathay building and tne wide and clean Robinson Road cou:d not 3bs:urc these defects.
Leaving the city and getting into the re5:dcn:ijl quarters of Katcn». you would find ycurseh in Lncthcr world. Substituting the dark and lew hsuses in the city ycu will see beiutifui and spacious bungalows here. As for the smelly odour cf sewage and icfuge you will see here well keot lawns and smell th: scent cf beautiful flowers frem the gardens.
Our stay although short and brief (four Caya and five nights) but the places and roads we !iad visited and things we had come across, were not experienced by many Singaporeana.
Of all the educational con corn we visited here, we consider King Edward Seventh Ilcdrcal College 扫 the most impressive and unforgettable. From here we were able to obtain .much
在新嘉坡的五个晩上,除了畅游三个「世界」外,还作了一个半岛环游,不过发加的 同学只有一部份。
夜的新嘉坡,在市埸上除了戏院,食物摊和酒楼外,一切的店铺多紧闭大门,同时曲 于电力的缺少,致使许多街芯适带宵戟时的气味一一灯火统制。广闘的柏油路上多是飞驰 着的汽车,而行人却不很多•但是在「世界」里卸又不同了,不单灯光明亮,游人如云, 同时各种食物用品,无不感有尽日。最使我们奇怪的,就是新嘉坡的气候,并不比极城冷 ,可是游客们多穿上温暖的Jacket。
在游势埸里,消遣的埸所确钓很多,而且花样又新奇,离怪同去的时候,大家缱是黑 辞不舍。最令人头昏钓即是场里的百货店,店中货物的价钱是跟着额客的不同而高低不一
在新嘉坡市区中,价钱最便宜及一律化的要算是咖啡了,但是在游艺场襄的茶室可就 不同,一杯咖啡乌的价钱竟要比外面贵了数倍之多,更加瓜孑花生,三两个人坐下来,就 非五元不够付服,同烤渎料也不见得比外面好,所不同的只是多了1个可以陪吃的女招待 ,据怪暴位阔同学同到宿舍襄时'叽噜咕噜地在互相埋怨°
不管新嘉坡留给我们的印象,是如何的不好,但是当我们踏进车厢,唱起「骤歌」时 ,心裹又不免依依彳舍超来。
现在国泰大厦的最高暴已经望不见了,立耸在山坡上的远东无线皑台的繊塔,也渐渐 地进了。
马 六 甲
黄昏的西岸,潇布育千变万幻的奇景,像那五颜六色的晩霞,水平如镜的马六甲洛峡 ,锚曲有如猛蛇盘纡旳皿枝;随风摇风的稻粟'矮小如鸟察的马来屋'都深深地含有热带 的风构°
从柔佛到嶋六甲的一路上,因为过了二次的渡船及—路来仓着景色的原故,等到车孑 蹬进蜀六甲市広时,巳将近岛灯时分C
坞六甲是继印度之后,欧亚接触的前哨'数百年来易了好几次主人,当时葡萄牙,荷 痢都会先后征服这襄的酋长和统治过'最后始由粪国以苏门答腊观荷兰换过来•冯六甲的 地名据说是取于一桶叫明六甲的树。擅树至今还生长任升旗山上'枝解尙比手腕那么大, 高也不过丈饱而已,不过据说这树的毒命耳最小也有二三百年了•更奇怪地道树也好像我 们孔夫孑•岳武穆城前的柱槐一样'有威茂衰拈的厘感•
升旗山可说是马六甲唯一的好去处,教堂便建筑在这勇,擅座富有历史性的敎堂,因 年久失修 >及任无情的风雨吹打'现任已是皮破骨露'残剩下的脐碑'不时令人有「沧海 桑田J之感• -
三宝庙,不管过去经历了多少的观辛和血泪,而今祇留下一副可怜相,堂前的井一一 据睨还是当年三宝公南巡抵马六甲时掘来汲水饮的'满贴了靑苫,共过的水桶更是破漏生 镜,使人连尝尝这井水的「福气J,也因此云消雨散。
在逸庙的旁过•有者一座马六甲简胞殉虽的纪念碑,碑上有 蒋主席手题的「忠贞足 式」四个大字,
medical knowledge; the instnimGnt in the laboratories, the specimens* bacteria through micro* -scope and the bodies submerged In formolln were all of interest. All of these we seldom come across in our daily Hfo, last but not least, we were very grateful towards .those people there who took pains in explaining to us.
After the Medical College was the Raffles College, we were informed that the college suf-,fered heavy losses during the Japanese regime. A great portion of the instrument and books ^ere lost- Anyway the college authorities are at present trying their best to replace them. Situated on a small hill the college has a tranquil envlroment which Is most suitable for studies.
*5®.other^p^ the Wah Chung, Nanyang, Chung Cheng and Chung Wah are the most promlin ent Chinese Middle Schools. "
A? travellers we naturally visited almost every place of interest on this island, such as the Botaiiical Garden, Hor Par Villa, The Chinese Swimming Club, the Esplanade* the Museum and the Library.
..Staying five nights in Sinagapore we visited the three “worlds”. We also made a trip round tne Island.
JThe theatres, restauarantsr and places of amusements were brightly lighted, whereas ma-Jorlty of the shop houses were tightly closed and due to lack of power many thoroughfares seemed to represent the wartime aspect of a black out or brownout. On the streets big aueamlined limousines travelled with fast speed, but very fewpedestrians could be seen. Th® amusement parks were well lighted and filled with people, at the same time there were the various stalls and cafes from where we coud eat anything we could think of. We could not help iee! n^.cunoua f°r the temperature of Singapore la usually higher than that of Penangr. but Hthe jacket seemed to be Indispensable to them.
„ n .In amusement parks there are plenty of novelties for us to while away our time. The general §0。塑 stalls dazzled the customers with their collections of goods but the prices fluctuate accordingly to the customers* abUity.、
,手煦was considered to be the cheapest and the price was uniform throughout this city, where--..ine ^usement parks a cup of coffee was a few times cf the price outside. So when two or three ® y wgether for a drink including water melon seeds and groundnuts the bill would often 辞弋済 nve dollars, and the quality was no better than we could obtain outside. The only difference r曳 ma\ mer? yould be a waitress to serve you. That was why a few boys after their visit to the paries returned home and regretted.
No matter how badly Singapore had impressed us, but when we stepped Into our bus we could not help feeling morose in leaving this city.
Cathay Building by that time had already sunk beneath the horizon. The steel tower of the Far Easton Broadcasting Station was slowly receding into the distance.
..Wh/le .the bus was crossing the causeway all of us were silently staring blankly towards the receding island and everyone seemed to utter goodbye ',Singapore**.
心监辞笋繇eM熠。脂瞄谙*褴借P萨1Mag褴 a representaUon of tropical atmosphere. y w wnat
F5鸳m脱蓦°£盟为IE 芝萍就烈ing stone (after India) between occidental and Oriental connection Within the last few centuries this place had been conquered by the Portuguese, Dutch and 谊:lly H wis ceded to the British by the Dutch in exchange for Sumatra. We were informed that Malacca got her nwne from a Plent known as “Malacca". Till the present day this tree still stands' ,on ■山❷"ge beside the old fort and it is said to be about two to three hundred
The) historical ruins on the top of the hill Is a mccca for tourlfits. Here still ilgU church built by the Portuguese. In it the vacant grace of St. Francis Xavier Through neglect the church is In a dilapidated condition.
stands the hlsto-could be seen.
琥称「古城」的马六甲,的跃名实相锵»矮小的房屋,狭窄的街道'甚至居民&不比 邻近拘麻披「开通」•在街上很虽看见并肩而走的男女.
金 马 仑
[臭答,踏油Short cut遇去I」不知那位恶作剧的仁兄突玻了这寂静的空赢,而立刻 带来一萨觉备声・
夜的金马仑路布;莉了的神秘,如那举天的树影;峻险的断壁;撵曲的转角;都似乎是 人生途中的障凝,希那伸卽不息的虫声,更何尝不是幻灭的进行曲?跟春寒气的赵来也浓 辱,我们知道目的地就在眼前了•
第二天早上,天空中依旧无情地下卷雨,致使好动的我们也不得不暂时撃居起来•吃 过了牛饭职车环游「小冷珍J —周后,便胃着雨下山直往怡保。
三饕同,温泉,瀑市都是怡保的名胜,所以到怡保的第二天'参观教育机关后,便电车 一一杨活,其中最使人注意的就是筑在堰巌峭壁下的三宝洞,它虽然远比不上极手奇的宏 腌,但也令人感到别有成味;温泉在另一座硝岩底下,一切的设备都非常简陋,慕向而来 的是葛音_池涣脚的热水而已,洁布的所任地离市甚有十多英里,几天来的暴雨使水知而 急万分,以玫爱好游泳的同学'只能望洋兴唤!
沙 ,
「天肖小潮之风云I很是以用来描述江沙,记得当我们九日出发时经涡此地,至十二 日同到这裹,前后相隔只不过十三日而已,可.是在研三日之性警寻誓了十叹戸来 孙盼重的水灾°当我们到疔§里时,河水虽然E•经退了,而遗留I •翟 坯街度,店铺的痕跻,却依旧存在,同鹤在较高的房屋前还是、[理黑 满堆看零乱的家县,由于水灾的关系,使这里几家设在高处的广 餐室生意兴隆,当然价钱也是跟苔水势的j张落'正是「甫人欢 ,论「备
喜有人愁° j 宁\
我们在江沙的目标是参观霹戻河永力发个厂’厂址建任离’颁"听 二 江沙廿五英里的地方‘厂中有高逹二百余尺的水闸,和三座九 -
千基跃可钓发电机,及一阔妁十方英里的苗水池,每H能发出 一万数千基•跃肝豹电流'其中大部份是供给南霹慈-带的歼场"
。厂中最惊心动魄的是川;倾泻有如万马奔胆的水声,据说建第 水闸时所牺牲的工人竟达三千余名,肄筑费达三百五十万镑之 巨,由此足见工程之伟大・ 江沙水灾一瞥*
这是旅程最后的一站'十四天来我们可就走过了南马各地,廖观了不少的学校,「厂 ,游寛了许多名胜古洗,所以一想想这弹丸大小的太平'便以为不会给我们留下一个好印 象,但是事实抑不然•
太平除了凉爽的太平山 > 博物馆外'太平湖更是1个好去处°湖上的 早1木';都値 街人们作短暂的徘彳回0
'在归途中,大家指手画脚地高谈着旅途中所遇到的事情,但是偶然"想赴这是归途时 ,心中就未有闷闷不举,『五天的旅程'就将结束在眼前°
— 68 —
The "Temple of Sam Poh" in spite of its past history, is now in a sad state. The well in the temple—from legend it was dug during the period of Sam Poh Kung's visit centuries ago, is noh covered with moss.
By the side of the temple there is a cenotapii 心uili in memory cf the Chinese people massacred by the Japanese during the occupation. On th? slab arc four char.tc:ers win ten personally bv President Chiang.
Malacca really deserves to be known as the historical town. With it small houses, narrow streets and conservative populace.
While goin« up the winding road towards our destination, among ns someone suggested the driver tc take the “short cut". This immediately was met with reproaches nom the boys.
The night of Cameron Highways is lilled with mysterious phenomenon of life. The stalwart eggressivc giant trees, the preciSaus siacs ana the aangerous corners are ail portrayals oi life's barriers. The unending circs cf nnauiutuncUb lastccs—w"。says it is not a ''March” and "Nothing-neHs"? The chilliness was accu-«»uxau..g \、e Knew that our jou.ney would be overscon. The next merning the weather was stili\、e were rescri.tea to our hotel. After tittin and in the rain we made a trip to x**mc.iang. i»»en we siartea on oiu- next lapse lor Ipoh.
Ipch was the cleanest town we came across during our travels. Sam Poh Caves, the Hot Spring end lhe waterfalls are places of iuierest oi Ipon. inav w».s wny on the second dav after visiting the s^-ncois we nnmeaiaieiy headed xor moiC places. Of all pkces, tne caves miercsica us most, because of ns reality and wonderful construction. n。ucubi tnac n cannot compete witn Ayer Itam Tcmpie in spiendour but it g*vcs us peculiar las” for it. Tne Hoc Spring is locat-cu ac me tout oi anotner precipice nii1Gs away. On the wnoie it was veiy simply immsnea. we visuca u icr iis lame but to line! a poo. oi scaicung water. Txie watemai Is situated miles away irom tne town because oi the continuous ram for the jast few days wc were only able to Iqok into tne niuaay water ana sign.
,•The change of winds and ciouds cannot be fcratold'Flis can be taken for description oi Kuaia Kan^s^r. We couicl remember veiy well 0*1 tne 9th oi uecemoer, 1947, wc passed througn here on cur way south. On the 22na December, wc recurnea ner, a uiliercnce of only thirteen a«ys. VViihm mat pcnoa this Royal town was invaaea by a devastating fiood wmeh was x-ot cxperiexicea for the last decade. During our arrival, no dcuoi the Hood had subsided but we could still see on the taller ouhiangs, furniture piled high un tne second floor.
Our idea in going to Kuala Kangsar was to visit the Perak Hyciro-Electric Company. This is situated twciity-Hve miles away from the town. Here we saw the dam of well over two hundred feet high and
an area of ten square miles. \V; also inspected the three nine thousand kilowatts generators which have a dally output of over tc.i thousanu Kilowatts of electncity supplying to lhe tin mines in South Perak. Through information suPP^ed to us that during its construction many lives were lost ana a sum of three and a half million pounds was spend. From these we could imagine the greatness of it.
Taiping was the last town of call on our list. During the fourteen days wc could be said to have travelled almost to every important place on the Peninsula. So much so that we thougnt Ta.ping would bo a dull toWn to call at. But this proved to be on the contrai-y.
Other than the Maxwell H.lls of Taiping, and the Museum, the Taiping Lake is a good place to visit. This is & superb place to linger and loiter.
On the last lapse of our bo neword bound journey, all of us could not help talking of the things \ve had dene and seen on our excursion. But relapsing into silence again when we rcaiized the journey would be over soon. -.
In frent of us, the distant Penang Hill was getting clearer each second displaying her beauty and charm while she bathed he/scif in the mellow evening sunlignt.
学号 姓名
134. YE嬴气林
136. LIM^W^ MfiTG 廿 L
140. NG CHUNG 廿 广
145. Hl凯滤C番EW 廿 广
146. 邢福地 HSING FU TI 廿 广
147. TA罄羸& 廿 广
.148. 林渭任- LIM WEI J1N 廿 广
153:. KH虫马 C^0>N& 广
1 160. WO^G 畲M %EN 廿 江.
163. 黄奕涛 001 AJK THEAM 廿
167. so?嬴常 廿 广 <
172. L着siSr乳N 廿 广
174. N谟虫编
178. 吕 昌浮 LOO CHEONG FOO 廿
181. T心凯N 廿 广
.、187. YE融新VN 胃 H 廿
逼 讯 .庐 单业后
亚岛士打华简中小Keow Kriddle Sclw«>l诙 羹 Kanpong Perak A*or Star Kedah 确
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用城番田仔街二首C廿二号 41■如
222, Carnarvon Street.v Penang
岛洁思催傀穗应凯萨升輙 英属北 婆盛洲 阿皮亚 信*.三 十九号
C/o P. Of box No・ 39 Jesselton, B • N • B •
资吊蠢一十三觑.大公当 站 J^L
13. £itiawaa Road, Sitihwan *
吉打多皆.锐歩.夺,缎 *
lai Leong Goldsmith, Tokaiv Kedan. 7T 8
18城进花河十四发 瘗.
14v Leith Street B Penang* 71 守'
植城f条电尾m零六嘛升 $ 206, Noordin Street., Penang*
242t Fran gin Road, Penang *
栃城祥德律一―六虢 a
]ifi Seang Tek Road, Penahg • 71 &
霹灵玲珑大街八、号 «b
8. main Road, Lenggang* Perak
枳城不丹尼律一四二号 ]42, Patani Roadt Penaag 槟城火 车路.三/六魏 36, Gladstone Roadt Penang.
C/o Yeoh Guanv Kantueg Siam.
升 学
凰统 姓名 HP .
192. YE盈S凯 TCIK +
196. 郑江声 TEH KANG SING 廿
197. 周爽南 CHOW ^<G LUM # 广 t -- 东
200. 张学衍 CHONG HOCK YEAN 廿 .-* 广
201. 刘纪戳 L1EW CHI CHIN 广
204. 伍铨芜 WU CHUAN WiG 廿 广
207. 林亚颜 UM AH GAN 廿
208. 陈志舆 TAN CHEE HENG 廿
210. LE志U靠W^N 广
1091. 吴楼柏 COH SUNG PEK 廿
1202. choiM c盆 Ihuan 廿 广
1204. 虑友仁 LOO YEW YIN 廿 广
1206. 杨登富 YEOH TENG HOO 廿 匚四
1207. 朱万擦 CHOO WAN TEK 廿 E9 广
1959. L辱TIW费N 廿
讯 处
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88, Back Street Lenggang, Perak 厂黑、体莫里糖田杨源昌 C/o 12*c xcoh Guan Cheang* Trang Siam 吉.打 樟仑老 街矫 十六壁
16, Pakan Lama. Changloon Kedah •
Market Roadt Taiping
暹 矗’合『艾 徐街 道m十一 <1« Chee Street^ Hoadyai Siam 答澳谓事,大■»街三十六号 96, Main Road. Bagan Serai, Perak 禹电古如吊来电街.八十七号 87. Peian Malayuv Alor Star4 Kedah* 吉礴属居林银莪路二八七号 Jalan Kelang Sago KuJim* Kedah • 房林大街五号霍发号 5t JaUn Rajaht KoVim Kedah •
T1度林。巳杀街一九七号泰来当 TL” Loy Pawnshop. 197, Jalan Asaad Kulun. Kedah « 数皆实武咬中华第一街三号 8. Kampong China I. Silolga Sumatra • 念&的达M*.费 大 山廊打锡肚二 八三号 MB。,Pagar Traa, Bukit Mertajam 霹盛大、平.古打佑二一四魂 2L4, Kola Road Taiping 枸跚大的公街的禺金毓三八段Hi» Cheong Toko Ma.9 3% Jepekkoag Street.* Medan Veh, Sumatra 圣c保雾鱼街L,号
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,Telegraphic Addiess ^Piece-Goods*1
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