MAY 21, 2013
Apples, Baku
Photograph by Erik Andre Juriks, Your Shot
The snow made me treat myself to some side streets while looking for photo opportunities on my way to work, this bitterly cold morning in Baku. The rapidly changing capital of Azerbaijan always has something in store. Just outside the centuries-old Taza Bazaar, I came across the unlikely sight of an old Soviet-era Volga brimming with golden winter apples. The strange beauty of the scene brought back childhood memories of apples carefully picked and stored in the basement of our home in Norway, and the apples turning sweeter as the months of winter went by.
巴库冬日的早晨寒冷透骨,我在去工作的路上随手街拍。这是阿塞拜疆的首都,正快速改变着,但人们仍会储存些食物。我刚好站在Taza Bazaar大市场外,就看到苏联时代的伏尔加汽车上装满了青黄色的苹果,在这个季节有点不可能。但这副陌生的情景,让我回想起:在家乡挪威,儿时的我小心翼翼地采摘苹果,再放入地窖里;等到冬季过后,地窖里的苹果会变得更甜。
http://photography.nationalgeogr ... /apples-volga-baku/