




周孝峨 著






主编:郭瑞 丘进


丘进 刘人怀 杨昭棣 陈毓铮 郑宗杰 饶芃子 袁采 郭瑞 徐永生 廖胜带













































第一章 概论

第一节 第二次大战前后东南亚华文教育的基本特点

第二节 中国与东南亚华文教育

第三节 华社与华校


第二章 新加坡华文教育

第一节 私塾教育

第二节 近代学校的兴起

第三节 华文教育的发展与革新

第四节 日本占领军对华文教育的摧残

第五节 战后初期的华文教育

第六节 从自治到独立前的华文教育

第七节 双语政策下华文教育的衰落


第三章 马来西亚华文教育

第一节 1904年前的华侨教育

第二节 “声教南暨”

第三节 “学校注册法令”颁布后的华文教育

第四节 战后华族争取母语教育的抗争

第五节 华文独立中学的演变

第六节 华族申办独立大学始末

第七节 南方学院——华文教育的新台阶


第四章 菲律宾华文教育

第一节 华侨中西学校的创办及其对菲华文教育的影响

第二节 菲律宾华文教育的特点

第三节 战后的复校热潮

第四节 政府全面督察后华校的调整

第五节 外侨学校菲化实施后华校的衰落

第六节 80年代振兴华文教育的呼声和努力

第七节 90年代的华文教育改革


第五章 泰国华文教育

第一节 华文教育的兴起

第二节 《暹罗民立学校法》等条例对华文教育的影响

第三节 战后华校的勃兴

第四节 在政府同化政策下华文教育的衰落

第五节 华文教育蕴涵生机


第六章 印度尼西亚华文教育

第一节 近代华校的创办与塾、学之争

第二节 荷印华侨学务总会的成立及其活动

第三节 华文教育与荷华教育之争

第四节 1929—1941年的华文教育

第五节 战后华文教育的演变

第六节 华文教育的衰落

第七节 台北学校的创办


第七章 越南、缅甸、柬埔寨、文莱、老挝华文教育

第一节 越南华文教育

第二节 缅甸华文教育

第三节 柬埔寨华文教育

第四节 文莱华文教育

第五节 老挝华文教育


第八章 东南亚华文教育的现状与前景

第一节 新、马、非、泰华文教育的重新定位

第二节 当前东南亚华文教育发展的特点

第三节 东南亚华文教育的前景




Inscription——Zhang Guoji

Preface——Editors’Committee of the Overseas Chinese Series


Chaprer 1 Introduction

1.1 The Basic Characteristics of the Chinese Education Before and After The World War II

1.2 Relations Between China and the Chinese Education in the Southeast Asia

1.3 The Relations Between the Overseas Chinese Associations and the Overseas Chinese Schools


Chapter 2 The Chinese Education in Singapore

2.1 The Education of The Private School

2.2 The Rise of Modern Schools

2.3 The Development and Innovation of The Chinese Education

2.4 The Destruction of Japanese Occupying Anny to ihe Chinese Education

2.5 The Early Days of Postwar the Chinese Education

2.6 The Chinese Education from the Autonomy to the Time Prior to the independence

2.7 The Decline of Overseas Chinese Education under Bilingual Policy


Chapter 3 The Chinese Education in Malaysia

3.1 The Overseas Chinese Education Before 1904

3.2 Offering Education to the Chinese from the South-East Asia

3.3 The Overseas Chinese Education After Promulgation of ‘Schools Registration law’

3.4 The Postwar Struggle of the Overseas Chinese for The Mother Language Education

3.5 The Development of The Chinese Independent School

3.6 The Process of Overseas Chinese Application for the Chinese Independence University

3.7 The Foundation of South College Marks New Stage of Overseas Chinese Education


Chapter 4 The Chinese Education in the Philippines

4.1 The Creation of Overseas Chinese Combined School with Cross Culture and Its Influence on the Chinese Education in the Philippines

4.2 The Characteristics of the Chinese Education in the Philippines

4.3 The Enthusiastic Restoration of the Postwar Chinese School

4.4 The Adjustment of Chinese School Completely Superintended by Government

4.5 The Decline of Chinese Schools After Enforcement of the Law of Philippinizd to Foreign School

4.6 The Voice and Efforts for Vitalizing Chinese Education in the 1980s

4.7 The Reform of Chinese Education in the 1990s


Chapter 5 The Chinese Education in Thailand

5.1 The Rise of the Chinese Education

5.2 The Influence of ‘The Law of Siam School by Local People’ and Other Laws Upon the Chinese Education

5.3 The Rise of Postwar Chinese School

5.4 The Decline of The Chinese Education Under the Government's Policy of Assimilation

5.5 The Chinese Education Contains Potentials for Prosperity


Chapter 6 The Chinese Education in Indonesia

6.1 The Establishment of Modern Schools and the Rival Between the Private School and the Modern School

6.2 The Establishment and Activities of General Education Union of the Holland - Indonesia Chinese Education

6.3 The Conflict Between The Chinese Education and The Holland - Chinese Education

6.4 The Chinese Education in 1929-1941

6.5 The Evolution of Postwar Chinese Education

6.6 The Decline of the Chinese Education

6.7 The Establishment of the Taipei Schools


Chapter 7 The Chinese Education in Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Brunei and Laos

7.1 The Chinese Education in Vietnam

7.2 The Chinese Education in Burma

7.3 The Chinese Education in Cambodia

7.4 The Chinese Education in Brunei

7.5 The Chinese Education in Laos


Chapter 8 The Present and Prospects of Chinese Education in Southeast Asia

8.1 The New Definition of the Chinese Education in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand

8.2 The Current Characteristics of the Development of Chinese Education in Southeast Asia

8.3 The Future of Chinese Education in Southeast Asia